Location: W402A, W402B, W402C
Finishing (online) Suite (W402A)
The Finishing Suite is primarily used for the final stages of video production. It is equipped with software and hardware for colour correction, 5.1 surround sound mixing, and high-resolution video editing.
Editing (offline) Suites (W402B and W402C)
Available for the bulk of post-production work. They are equipped with software and hardware for non-linear video editing and basic audio editing.
More Info
Technical Support Specialist - dustin.fraser@uleth.ca
Booking and additional information Fine Arts Equipment Checkouts - checkouts@uleth.ca
Who can use the space
Students must be authorized to use the labs by their instructor.
- Courses that utilize the Digital Cinema Suite include: NMED 3010, NMED 3510, NMED 3620 and special topics courses.
- Students must have paid the Fine Arts Technology Services Fee in order to access the suite.
- Students not currently enrolled in these classes that have received the appropriate training may still use the suite. Priority access, however, will first be given to students currently enrolled in courses listed above.
Graduate students may use the Digital Cinema Suite, however they must receive the appropriate training from an authorized faculty member or Technical Support Specialist.
Technical Specifications
- High-end MacPro workstation with two HD, color calibrated monitors.
- Blackmagic Ultrastudio 4k
- Workstation that can output to a 17” Flanders Scientific Broadcast monitor, as well as a 65” TV display
- High capacity thunderbolt RAID provides low latency storage for working on project files.
- Video editing control panel and an audio mixing control panel are available for use
W402B and W402C are each equipped with a high-end iMac workstation, a secondary color calibrated monitor, and a 42” LED TV display. They also include Mackie audio control panels.
All three suites have high fidelity Genelec speakers and have been painted with middle grey colour tone for a colour-neutral production environment. Software includes Adobe Creative Suite, DaVinci Resolve, ProTools, Handbrake, and Microsoft Office.