The academic dress of the University of Lethbridge is unique to this institution and is generally based on the Intercollegiate Code on Academic Costume. A common black gown and mortarboard are worn by all undergraduate and master’s students. Doctor of philosophy graduands wear a royal blue gown with walden blue velvet facings and chevrons, outlined in bright gold piping and a walden blue beefeater with a bright gold tassel. The undergraduate or master’s degree an individual has earned is represented by different colours and patterns on the borders and linings of the hoods.
Bachelor’s Degree Hoods
The bachelor’s degree hoods are a shell of black lined with blue, trimmed with a twisted gold and blue cord. Specific degrees are distinguished by the colour of braid on the lining:
- Bachelor of Arts: white braid
- Bachelor of Arts & Science: white and gold braid
- Bachelor of Science: golden yellow braid
- Bachelor of Education: light blue braid
- Bachelor of Fine Arts: brown braid
- Bachelor of Music: pink braid
- Bachelor of Health Sciences: red and gold braid
- Bachelor of Nursing: red braid
- Bachelor of Therapeutic Recreation: green braid
- Bachelor of Management: dull brown braid
- Students receiving combined degrees wear the colours of the two degrees on the braid
Master’s Degree Hoods
All master’s degree hoods are a shell of black, lined with blue. An exterior border of light blue satin indicates the hood is for a master’s level degree and the distinguishing braid follows the colours of the undergraduate hoods.
Doctor of Philosophy Hoods
The doctor of philosophy hoods are a shell of royal blue, lined with sapphire blue satin and a bright gold chevron. The walden blue velvet trim is outlined in bright gold piping, reflecting the University’s colours.
Other Noteworthy Regalia
The chancellor wears a black robe with a wide band of gold trim and a black velvet mortarboard with a wide gold band and gold tassel.
The president and vice-chancellor wears a black robe, trimmed with wide gold and blue bands and a black velvet mortarboard with a wide gold band and gold tassel.
The Chair of the Board of Governors wears a blue robe with a blue velvet band trimmed with twisted blue and gold trim and a blue mortarboard with a blue and gold tassel.
Members of the Board of Governors wear blue robes, open at the front with a thin gold trim around the shoulders and a blue mortarboard with a blue and gold tassel.
Individuals receiving an honorary degree, or for those who have received an honorary degree in the past, wear a blue robe with thin gold trim and gold sleeves. Honorary degree recipients wear a blue mortarboard with a gold tassel and a blue hood with a shell of light blue. A chevron of gold and a border of white velvet complete the hood design.