To see a simple demonstration of transferring the files, connecting to Aurora, submitting jobs, and retreiving data click HERE
Load Sharing Facility (LSF)
Setting up your environment
- For csh and tcsh users:
Add the following line at the end of your $HOME/.cshrc file:
source /usr/local/lsf/cshrc.lsf
- For sh and ksh users:
Add the following line at the end of your $HOME/.profile file:
. /usr/local/lsf/profile.lsf
Basic LSF commands
Documentation for every LSF command is available in man pages, HTML and PDF format.
To access the man pages for each command type 'man command'.
Job submission: bsub
% bsub [options] command arguments
Submits a program to be executed under LSF. Commonly used options are:
-o file
Send the output that you would get on the screen to file.
-n procs
For parallel programs. Use procs processors to run the program.
-G group
Dispatch the job under another group. If you belong to more than one group, you can use this option to use the shares from another group (This option will have no effect until the sharing policies are in place).
If the -o switch is not used, the output of the program will be mailed to the user. If the number of processors is not specified, the program runs on a single processor.
Job control: bjobs and bkill
% bjobs [options]
Displays all your unfinished jobs in the queue. Commonly used options are:
-a Display all the jobs, even those that have finished already.
-u all Display jobs queued by all the users in the system. You can also specify jobs for a particular user.
% bkill
Kills the given jobid.
Accounting information
% bacct
Displays details about the jobs that you have executed.
% bhpart -r
Displays information about shares and priorities for each group.