Our Faculty & Their Research
Faculty members eagerly involve students in their research projects, using state-of-the-art equipment and facilities—like the internationally renowned Herschel Space Center. Faculty members collaborate with other departments, community members, employers and local government agencies on research projects and field studies, giving you the opportunity to get even more hands-on experience.
Community Involvement
Faculty members give lectures and laboratory tours for student groups visiting the campus. They also serve as judges in science fairs, answer questions from the public and give interviews to local (and sometimes national) media. The public is welcome to attend any of the public lectures or workshops offered by the Department.
Current Research and Areas of Interest:
Faculty in the Department of Physics have 100% success rate in applying for research operating grants from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada's national research granting agency in natural science.
Besides faculty, other personnel are present that enrich the research environment.
Over the past three years, there have been six postdoctoral fellows in the department. In addition, the Astronomical Instrumentation Group currently has three project managers, including one PhD scientist and several support staff. The department also has several graduate students who have close contact with the undergraduate physics majors.
Faculty at the University of Lethbridge find themselves in a unique position to:
- recruit excellent undergraduate students as research assistants;
- collaborate with faculty outside of the Department of Physics on joint projects and research areas;
- access exceptionally well-equipped facilities both on and off campus;
- access excellent research and teaching funding opportunities;
- work on a number of world-class research projects;
- work with community members and local industry on various projects and initiatives.