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Graduate Studies

Research is traditionally undertaken by students holding a Master’s (MA) or a Doctorate (PhD). Your undergrad degree will prepare you for post-graduate studies, whether you choose to pursue your Master’s here at the University of Lethbridge or another institution anywhere in the world.

Learn more about Graduate Studies at the U of L.

Graduate Studies in Physics
Positions are available for both MSc and PhD Physics students at the University of Lethbridge. The U of L Physics Department is research intensive – all regular faculty hold Discovery Grants from NSERC. Our department consists of 11 professors and 3 academic assistants, complemented currently by postdoctoral researchers and other research support staff. In Fall 2010, we will have 12 graduate students, a number we are working to increase. A significant number of undergraduate students are also involved in faculty research. For further information on current research areas, click here.

Physics graduate study at the U of L offers the advantages of a small, dynamic, expanding department in a smaller university (~8K undergrads), in a small, pleasant city (population ~80K) close to the beautiful Rocky Mountains, with a very reasonable cost of living. Both undergraduate and graduate students enjoy the benefits of extensive and interactive supervision.

Faculty research areas cover a wide variety of topics. Listed below are the department members with independent research programs.

Dr. Pasquale Bosso 

Expertise Quantum Gravity Phenomenology.

Research Interests  Study of the Phenomenology of quantum gravitational theory via quantum and classical descriptions of a minimal measurable length.

Dr. Saurya Das

Expertise Theoretical Physics

Research Interests Classical and quantum gravity, cosmology, quantum information theory

Dr. Arundhati Dasgupta's 

Expertise Theoretical and Mathematical Physics

Research Interests Finding the origins of space and time; Exploring quantum gravity theory ande phenomenology; Reformulating quantum field theory; Quantum field theory experiments on curved graphene; Finding new aspects of Gravity waves, Black Hole Physics, Computational Astrophysics and Women in Physics.

Dr. David Naylor 

Expertise Space based astronomical instrumentation, Fourier transform spectroscopy, low temperature physics.

Research Interests Infared space astronomy. Novel instrumentation concepts, star formation, protoplanetary discs; galaxy evolution.

Dr. Steve Patitsas 

Expertise Solid State Physics, Surface Physics, Microscopy Instrumentation. 

Research Interests Suface science studies using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM). Manipulation of atoms and molecules on surfaces, Nonequilibrium thermodynamics. Experimental tests for modified Newtonian dynamics.

Dr. Behnam Seyed-Mahmoud 

Expertise Earth Rotation & Wobble/Nutation; Tidal Instability in Planetary Liquid Cores; Normal Modes of Rotating, Compressible Liquid Bodies.

Research Interests Theoretical/Computational and Experimental Studies in Rotating Fluid Bodies; Computational Techniques to Predict the Vibrational Frequencies and Displacement Patterns of Rotating Elastic Planetary Bodies with a Substantial Liquid Cores.

Dr. Locke Spencer 

Expertise Next-generation far-infrared space-based astrophyicial instrumentation.

Research Interests Development of instrumentation unique within Canada, as well as the creation of new observation and data processing techniques that will be used for future large-scarle international projects.


Dr. Ken Vos 

Expertise Theoretical Biophysics, Theoretical Condensed Matther Physics & Nonliear Physics. 

Research Interests  Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, Strongly Correlated Systems and Quantum Magnetism

Dr. Mark Walton 

Expertise Mathimatical physics; quantum mechanics in phase space, conformal field theory, Lie algebras and groups in physics.

Research Interests Quantum mechaics: emergence of classical mechanics in quantum phase space, quantzation, open quantum systems, and foundations of quantum theory. Conformal field theory: agebraic and combinatorial structures, and possible string-theory applications.


All students admitted to the graduate program can expect excellent financial support. There are opportunities to compete for more generous support in the form of postgraduate scholarships at both the national (NSERC);, and provincial (Alberta Ingenuity [], and Alberta Heritage Fund) level.

Applications for MSc and PhD programs require preliminary discussion with prospective faculty advisors. Feel free to e-mail any of the members above, or contact the department chair of graduate studies, Dr. Ken Vos 


Previous/Retired Faculty

Dr. Keramat Ali - Professor Emeritus

Dr. David Siminovitch - Professor Emeritus


Professor Mark Walton (left) shown here with the first MSc in Physics from the University of Lethbridge, Cvjetan Jakovljevic, with his wife Radmila and baby Vida. Spring Convocation - 1996.