Dentistry (Pre-professional transfer program)

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Options available

  • Degree is granted by the transfer institution


  • Lethbridge


Fall & Winter

Program description

Students at uLethbridge may prepare themselves to apply for admission to a number of professional programs offered at other institutions. Dentistry at the University of Alberta is one of these programs. Students can gain the courses and experience to apply to dentistry by pursing a Bachelor of Science at the uLethbridge with one of the following majors:

  • agricultural biotechnology
  • biochemistry
  • biological sciences
  • chemistry
  • neuroscience

Students pursuing a future in dentistry have a number of opportunities available to them while at uLethbridge including co-operative education, international exchanges, independent and applied studies as well as volunteer opportunities.

uLethbridge is the only university in Alberta to offer co-operative education to all majors in the arts & sciences, at both the undergrad and grad levels. To learn more about this exciting opportunity, visit the Co-operative Education webpage.

Dream big, and have the confidence in your education to get you there. Make uLethbridge your destination. Learn more about pre-professional programs at uLethbridge, visit the Faculty of Arts & Science website.

Possible careers

  • Dentist

Admission requirements


​For admission, Canadian high school students in Alberta must have completed five of the following courses with a minimum 65% average across them:

This course
  • English Language Arts 30-1
Three of these courses
  • Aboriginal Studies 30
  • Art 30 or Art 31
  • Biology 30
  • Chemistry 30
  • Choral Music 30, General Music 30, or Instrumental Music 30
  • Dance 35
  • Drama 30
  • Mathematics 30-1 or Mathematics 30-2
  • Mathematics 31
  • Physics 30
  • Science 30
  • Social Studies 30-1
  • Five credits in Advanced-level CTS Computer Science (CSE)
  • One or more distinct languages at the 30 level
One additional
  • That has not already been used
  • May be from the list above
  • Must be at the 30 level
  • Must be worth at least five credits (multiple courses worth a total of five or more credits can be used)
  • Cannot be a Special Project


This program also expects

You have completed:

  • Biology 30
  • Chemistry 30
  • Mathematics 30-1
  • Physics 30 (recommended)
  • Mathematics 31 (recommended)

Admission to the U of A dentistry program is by quota and is competitive. Students may apply to Dentistry after completing 20 courses, however students may have to complete 30 courses or their degree to be competitive. Admission to Dentistry is not solely based on the courses completed and the GPA obtained, academic and extracurricular involvement at the uLethbridge is strongly recommended. This can include applied studies, co-op work terms and volunteering.



First year cost estimator

For Dentistry (Pre-professional transfer program)

Let us help you understand your tuition and fees for your first year at the University of Lethbridge.

Sample classes

Course selections for the program will vary, but may include:

  • Cellular Basis of Life
  • Diversity of Life
  • General Chemistry I&II
  • Organic Chemistry I&II
  • Introductory Biochemistry
  • Introduction to Physics I
  • Introduction to Probability & Statistics