Image of the Month Contest
Every month, the AMETHYST Program will post an image on this page, followed by a unique question regarding that image. University of Lethbridge students, staff or faculty (must have a valid UofL ID number) will be encouraged to email in the correct answer to that question. All correct submissions will be entered into a draw, with one correct answer being randomly selected to win a gift certificate to a local establishment.
To enter, please use the 'CONTACT US' box to the right and supply the following information:
Your name: Please enter your full name
Your e-mail address: Enter your University of Lethbridge e-mail address
Subject: Enter "Image of the Month Contest"
Message: Supply the correct answer to the question, and include your UofL student ID number*
All submissions must be entered before midnight on the last day of the month. The contest is open to University of Lethbridge students. Only the monthly winner will be contacted. Only one entry per person, all duplicate entries will be disqualified. Thank you for entering, and good luck!
*Entries not including a valid UofL student ID number will be disqualified.
Previous Image of the Month: May 2012

Question: What city is shown in this picture?
Prize: $25.00 Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Answer: Dubai
Gift card donated by Mac's Convenience Store #22047
(#1 170 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, T1K 4J4).
Previous Image of the Month: April 2012

Question: What national landmark is shown in this picture,
where is it located and what is its significance?
Answer: Gateway Arch, St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
It was built to signify the westward expansion of the United States.
Prize: $25.00 Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Gift card donated by Mac's Convenience Store #22047
(#1 170 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, T1K 4J4).
Previous Image of the Month: March 2012
Question: What is shown in this image, taken over Saudi Arabia?
Prize: $25.00 Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Answer: Desert Agriculture, using Centre pivot irrigation
Gift card donated by Mac's Convenience Store #22047
(#1 170 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, T1K 4J4).
Previous Image of the Month: February 2012
Question: What natural disaster is shown in this TerraSAR-X image?
Prize: $25.00 Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Answer: Volcanic Eruption
Gift card donated by Mac's Convenience Store #22047
(#1 170 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, T1K 4J4).
Previous Image of the Month: January 2012
Question: What disaster is shown in this aerial photograph, which was taken in 1986?
Prize: $25.00 Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Answer: Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant Disaster
Gift card donated by Mac's Convenience Store #22047
(#1 170 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, T1K 4J4).
Previous Image of the Month: December 2011
Question: What man-made disaster is depicted in this image?
Prize: $25.00 Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Answer: Oil Spill (Gulf of Mexico)
Gift card donated by Mac's Convenience Store #22047
(#1 170 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, T1K 4J4).
Previous Image of the Month: November 2011
Question: What is the significance of this image, acquired by NASA?
Prize: $25.00 Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Answer: Evidence of water on Mars
Gift card donated by Mac's Convenience Store #22047
(#1 170 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, T1K 4J4).
Image of the Month: October 2011
Question: What phenomenon is shown in this astronaut's photograph?
Prize: $25.00 Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Answer: Northern Lights
Gift card donated by Mac's Convenience Store #22047
(#1 170 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, T1K 4J4).
Image of the Month: September 2011
Question: This astronaut photograph of city lights depicts which eastern Canadian city?
Prize: $25.00 Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Answer: Montreal (Quebec, Canada)
Gift card donated by Mac's Convenience Store #22047
(#1 170 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, T1K 4J4).
Previous Image of the Month: August 2011
Question: What type of storm is depicted in this MODIS image,
which occured over the Red Sea?
Prize: $25.00 Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Answer: A Dust Storm
Gift card donated by Mac's Convenience Store #22047
(#1 170 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, T1K 4J4).
Previous Image of the Month: July 2011
Question: What is the name of distinctive landform shown in the ASTER image above,
which is located in Africa?
Prize: $25.00 Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Answer: Richat Structure (aka: The Eye of Africa, Eye of the Sahara)
More Information:
Gift card donated by Mac's Convenience Store #22047
(#1 170 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, T1K 4J4).
Previous Image of the Month: June 2011
Question: What type of landform is pictured*, and what geological
process caused it to develop?
Prize: $25.00 Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Answer: Lena River Delta
More Information:
Gift card donated by Mac's Convenience Store #22047
(#1 170 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, T1K 4J4).
*Image is a Landsat 7 ETM+ false-color composite image made using shortwave infrared, infrared, and red wavelengths
Previous Image of the Month: May 2011
Question: What type of Natural Disaster is depicted in this satellite image,
which occurred along the coast of California?
Prize: Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Answer: Forest Fires
Gift card donated by Mac's Convenience Store #22047 (#1 170 Columbia Blvd. West, Lethbridge Alberta, Canada, T1K 4J4).
Pevious Image of the Month: April 2011
Question: What are these and where are they located?
Prize: Macs Convenience Store Gift Card
Answer: Ghost Fleet of Mallow's Bay
"This is what remains of over ~150 wooden steamers that were built during World War I. These ships were built entirely of wood in an effort to replace cargo ships lost to the German U-boats. They were in a sense the "Liberty Ships" of WW I. However, this is not the success story of the WW II "Liberty Ships". These wooden vessels were made from the wrong lumber, they leaked, and were delivered after the war's end. They were burnt to the waterline, salvaged of all metal and left in Mallows Bay to rot." -Wiki
Click here for more information.
Previous Image of the Month: March 2011
Question: What are these and where are they located?
Answer: Man-made Islands off the coast of Dubai
Prize: $25.00 University of Lethbridge Bookstore Gift Card
Proba captures manmade islands located just off the coast of Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. Palm Jumeirah (left) is the smallest of three massive palm-shaped islands, and The World is a collection of 300 islets built in the shape of a world map. Image acquired on 5 November 2007 by ESA’s Proba’s CHRIS (Compact High Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) instrument.
Previous Image of the Month: February 2011