Alberta Terrestrial Imaging Centre R & D Report, 2012.
Alberta Terrestrial Imaging Centre R & D Report, 2011.
University of Lethbridge Remote Sensing Group R & D Report, 2010.
The majority of research and development in imaging science is interdisciplinary in nature. Regardless of the area of domain expertise, imaging science is involved in observation, monitoring, forecasting, and managing information. These four pillars are vital to future success in Canada in the broad area of hyperspectral imaging science and technology. To develop the necessary skills, the AMETHYST program was designed to expose students to the broader context of imaging science and technology. Imaging science is an emergent technology sector that involves a wide variety of disciplines and has become one of the most highly used tools in science, technology and the arts. Imaging science has grown to become the leading enabling technology for Earth observation, astronomy, environmental science, medical imaging, and climate research. As our reliance on imaging grows, the complexity and diversity of knowledge required to understand and make the best use of imaging technologies outstrips the ability of a single discipline to provide comprehensive knowledge.
The goal of AMETHYST is to create an interdisciplinary approach to imaging science education from undergraduate to post-graduate training. Our program is designed to ensure that Canada remains at the forefront of imaging science and technology by using innovative methods for the promotion and enhancement of imaging science across disciplines. It is our vision to provide an enhanced learning experience at all educational levels by giving students with the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in cross-disciplinary settings. At each level, AMETHYST has specific goals with respect to professional skills development in project management, written and oral communication, team building, entrepreneurship, time and stress management, understanding of differences in learning styles, and conflict resolution. Our approach will engender excellent learning, research and technical abilities. AMETHYST trainees with skills in hyperspectral imaging science and technology will be optimally placed to pursue graduate studies or employment in the resource, environment, geomatics, aerospace, neuro-imaging and security sectors.
Research Topics:
Remote sensing methodologies for environmental monitoring / Climate change: Implementation of spectroscopic techniques to measure/monitor atmospheric trace gases (Adriana Predoi-Cross)
Performance evaluation of future satellite missions / Remote sensing methodologies for natural resource monitoring: Hyperspectral mapping of remnant, riparian and wetland areas (Karl Staenz and Craig Coburn)
Remote sensing methodologies for natural resource monitoring: Detection of wheat and barley heading signatures in bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (Craig Coburn and Karl Staenz)
Data and information processing methodologies / Remote sensing methodologies for natural resource monitoring: Automation of hyperspectral image classification (Karl Staenz and Craig Coburn)
Remote sensing methodologies for natural resource monitoring / Climate change: Investigation of carbon dynamics in mountain pine ecosystems (Derek Peddle)
Climate change / Remote sensing methodologies for environmental monitoring : Characterization of atmospheric constituents using molecular spectroscopy (Adriana Predoi-Cross)