Applied Music

Status Approved
Date Diploma Awarded Approved
Diploma Length Three-Year
College Mohawk College
City Hamilton
Province / State ON
Country Canada
UofL Post-Diploma Degree Bachelor of Music - Music (After Three-Year Diploma)
Minimum diploma GPA (on a 4.0 scale) required for admission to UofL 2.50
Other Audition. A live audition or 20-minute video demonstrating musicianship, musical development, overall ability and potential. Applicants to the Post-Diploma B.Mus. (after a three-year diploma) must successfully audition into Studio VII - Instrument (Music Studio 4748) to be eligible for admission. The audition application and additional information are available at
Special Criteria/Circumstances Applied Music Diploma must have classical emphasis to meet articulation requirements for the Post-Diploma Bachelor of Music degree program at UofL.