Workshops & Groups

Workshop Series

30 minute sessions that run weekly, to help build skills and strategies to manage the top concerns of post-secondary students. Variety of workshops listed below.

Stress & Anxiety Management Skills
We know as students you all get stressed…like BIG TIME! Join this workshop to learn more about stress and anxiety and ways you can implement tools and strategies to reduce symptoms.

Communication Skills
Sometimes communicating our own needs is hard work and we can’t run from relationships…. they are everywhere! Think about it…. with our roommates, landlords, friends, family, professors, colleagues, and partners. Learn about communication styles, what defines a healthy relationship, and how to set your own personal limits.

Mood Management Skills
How we think has big impact on how we feel and behave… especially when we find ourselves in a rut.  Learn new tools and strategies for untwist unhelpful thinking patterns that might be keeping you feeling low.

Flourishing at University
Take some time in your university career get to know yourself and become the best version of YOU! This workshop will provide you with techniques to lead a more meaningful and enriching life.

Download the workshop schedule here {insert URL}


Anxiety and Depression Group
Students experiencing mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety and/or depression will appreciate this psychoeducational group. Tuesdays from Noon to 1:00 p.m. in Room AH 153. First group will start on October 3rd and run until October 24th.

Living BIG: Building Connection
Do you ever feel like, though you are often surrounded by people, you don’t really feel connected to them? Many of us do. Building meaningful relationships can be a lot harder in university than we anticipate. Join us as we explore ways to create more authentic connections with others. Group will run Tuesdays from 3:00-4:30pm. Start dates will be: October 3 and November 7.

Run Walk Talk
Students, Faculty and Staff interested in shared motion. Beginning September 27, participants will gather in the greenspace behind Markin Hall on Wednesdays at 12:05.
Strictly Platonic
Students who are looking to meet other students interested in building friendships. Start date TBD (dependent on interest).

The Art of Life: Building Resilience
Perhaps you’re feeling stuck, or that you’ve lost your perspective? It’s almost like we forget that there is a whole world around us. We’ve all been there. Join us as we explore ways to build resilience and notice new perspectives. Group will run Wednesdays from 4:30-6:00pm. Start dates will be September 20 and October 25.

Yoga for Mental Wellness
Students wishing to experience a gentle exploration of mind-body connection. Beginning September 29, group will run on drop in basis on Fridays, 10:00-11:00am in PE 255.