University really does fly by, and graduation is closer than you think. Soak up all the experiences, knowledge and memories that you can—and remember to take it day by day.

Think to the future, where you would like to be when you finish your degree. And don’t forget to acknowledge your successes along the way.  

Journalling, writing a letter for the day you graduate, or creating a vision board, are all activities that can help you keep perspective, stay grounded, and focused on your goals (they certainly helped me).

It’s never too early to plan for the next steps of your career through the Career Bridge office or by checking out ULethbridge graduate programs. More information on Career Bridge and setting yourself up for your career can be found in ULife Hack #7 Elevate Your Degree.

And when your graduation day comes, stay in touch! Learn more about being a new grad and information for alumni.


“I would tell myself not to be so afraid of the unknown and to trust that my hard work would pay off. I would also tell myself to be more open to asking those around me for help and not to be afraid to try new things. Finally, I would tell myself to have more fun! There is a time and place for hard work, and there are difficult times in university. However, there are so many chances for growth and fun experiences and learning to balance both is an important skill.” - Madeline

“Your plans will change more than you think they will, and that is more than okay. Go with the flow; it’ll all work out in the end.” - Haley G

“It seems scary now, but some truly incredible years and experiences are ahead of you.” - Anonymous

“I would tell my first-year self that perseverance and confidence are key and to never miss out on an opportunity to enhance your degree experience.” - Angelica  

“I wish I could have told my first-year self that university is going to be a big jump and a difficult transition. That way, I could have been more prepared.” - Elisha

“Don’t procrastinate on your assignments. It’ll make your life way less stressful if you start working on them right away and do that consistently.” - Jace  

“Grades do not mean everything. ULethbridge is a safe place to make mistakes and be uncertain. A work-life balance is way more important than getting a 4.0 GPA will ever be.” - Ziara  

“You will end up where you want to be, work hard and stay humble. Trust the process.” - Haley S

“Do not be so nervous. Go out and get involved in what interests you.” - Tabitha  

“I would tell my first-year self to be patient with herself. University is quite different from high school, and you will face a variety of challenges. It is important to be patient with yourself while you find your balance!” - Zaynab

“Keep working hard, and you’ll find what you’re looking for.” - Derek

“I wish I could tell my first-year self to have confidence in herself and allow herself some patience to get situated, figure out how to be a university student, and figure out how to live away from home. I was much too hard on myself in my first year and wish I hadn’t been.” - Kathleen

“Study throughout the semester, not just the days leading up to an exam.” - Shannon  

“I wish I could tell myself that it is okay not to have a set plan for where your life is headed. I was so obsessed with having a plan that I ended up staying in spaces that made me unhappy for a long time. Instead of constantly worrying about my future, I would advise myself to stay in the present and pursue the things that make me happy. You will find your way eventually, so enjoy the journey.” - Julisha

“Believe in the process of university and take in all of the experiences possible. You will end up where you’re meant to!” - Kourtney

“Try new things! New disciplines, new styles of classes, new clubs, etc.” - Alyssa

“University is a wonderful experience, and it opens so many doors and opportunities. You definitely get what you put into it, so joining clubs and other groups on campus help with those opportunities. Everyone is super kind and was a first-year at one point or another, so if you’re unsure about something, just ask!” - Cassie  

“Join more clubs and go to more events! Also, it is okay not to take four to six classes every semester (or at all). I always took three or four classes and felt like I was behind everyone else, but it was totally worth it.” - Skylar

“Follow whatever interests you—go to talks, ask your professors about their research, try different courses. You may end up surprising yourself by going down a completely different path than you first expected.” - Amy

“I would tell myself to join the co-op program as early as possible. Because I believe in my line of work, what really sets you apart is having either relevant industry experience or personal projects.” - Cassady

“Stay motivated! It can get stressful but completing my degree was one of the most rewarding things I’ve done. Also, take time to enjoy being a university student. It is such a special time and goes by so quick.” - Chloe

“I wish I could tell my first-year self to talk to the people around me more, make plans with the friends you’re meeting in classes, and to reach out to find new opportunities and experiences to be involved in on campus.” - Makita

“Start your program planning earlier. Take classes in as many departments as you can. Not only to help you in later classes but also to discover which fields you really like.” - Nicko

“Reach out to others more! It’s okay to ask for help, especially from profs and friends.” - Victoria

“To my first-year self, I appreciate how much studying you do, but please take a break and get out there and meet some other students and explore the social groups on campus!” - Cayley



“I regret not being socially involved in my department’s activities. I waited for my last year to do the field school and join the club. Having friends in my department has made classes easier and more enjoyable because I am taking them with peers. Working together has helped increase my grades and decrease the stress of doing school work.” - Nicko

“Not doing an independent study earlier.” - Tabitha

“My only regret is that I did not put myself out there more in my first few years. I feel like I missed out on so many amazing opportunities and experiences just because I was too scared to pursue them.” - Julisha

“I think there are a few little things I regret doing, but overall, I know they’ve helped me grow and mature as a person! I regret not taking the time to explore campus and all the people who are a part of the community until my third and fourth years. Once I made time to do so, I met some really great people and have gotten to take part in some cool opportunities.” - Cayley

“I regret how closed off I was in my first few years. I wish I had tried to open up a bit more. I think it would have made my adjustment period easier.” - Kathleen  

“I really wish I went to more events and put myself out there more.” - Skylar    

“I regret not being more involved in the campus community and with other students in general in my first few years. I focused far too much on my academics and lost the social side of the university experience. I know, now, that both are possible, so I recommend being involved and making connections during your undergrad.” - Makita


“It is absolutely okay to change degrees or career paths! University is a time for learning and self-reflection, so if your goals or aspirations change, know that it’s totally okay and that you are most certainly not alone in that! Also, don’t get too hung up on the time it takes you to finish your degree—whatever pace is best for your mental and physical wellbeing is what should be a priority! Also, look into what resources and services are available to students! You’d be surprised at how many things are offered, but no one seems to talk about them. The Students’ Union is a great resource and is the body that represents students in a variety of affairs, so be sure to go to them with concerns and stay updated as to what’s going on!” - Cayley

“My biggest piece of advice would be that perseverance and confidence are key to success and that it is important to find balance. I learned that whether I worked at things at a slow or fast pace, the key to my success was never giving up on what I was hoping to achieve. Add as many experiences to your degree as possible, and don’t worry so much about the length of time it takes you to finish! So put down a non-refundable deposit to go abroad, or set up some co-op work terms and applied studies, because in years to come you will find such value in these experiences.” - Angelica

“Enjoy your university experience. It may feel exhausting at times, but it goes by so quick.” - Chloe

“Everyone’s university experience is different. Don’t feel discouraged if something doesn’t work out the way you expected!” - Cassady