Department of Geography & Environment


Welcome to the Department of Geography & Environment

Geography deals with some of the most exciting issues on Earth. It studies the interaction between human beings and the global environment and the resulting problems and opportunities. The Department of Geography & Environment at the University of Lethbridge offers a unique multidisciplinary experience by combining the fields of archaeology, environmental science, and geography into one department.

Students have the opportunity to study in areas such as archaeology, environmental science, human geography, physical geography, remote sensing, and urban & regional studies. We also offer a concentration in geographical information science (GIS) and combined or multidisciplinary degrees. Click on the icons above for more information about our programs.

Indigenization Statement

We acknowledge that we live and work in Treaty 7, the traditional territory of the Niitsitapi, and in Métis Region 3. 

We also acknowledge the role that geographical disciplines and their practitioners have played and continue to play in the dispossession and genocide of Indigenous peoples, here and around the world. With this awareness, we strive to increase our understanding and inclusion of Indigenous ways of knowing and their contributions in our departmental practices. Our department is committed to an equitable, diverse and inclusive future.



Department Highlights

University of Lethbridge BioBlitz!

This collection project collected photos and identifications of University of Lethbridge observations during Nature Conservancy of Canada’s 4th annual Big Backyard BioBlitz, Aug 1-5, 2024. Check out all the species in our beautiful area!

Darwin legacy voyage passes halfway mark

A tall ship recreating Charles Darwin's famous journey aboard the HMS Beagle has reached the halfway point of its voyage.

The voyage is being used to train 200 young conservationists from around the world onboard the ship, which has been dubbed the "world's most exciting classroom".

Stewart McPherson, founder and project leader of Darwin200, said: "We're training the world's most amazing young conservationists to create leaders to change the world of tomorrow."

The team on the ship have been working with young conservationists to make scientific discoveries of their own.

Kenneth Holyoke wins national award for archaeology podcast

Dr. Ken Holyoke is one of the hosts of the New Brunswick Archaeology Podcast (NBAP), along with Dr. Gabriel Hrynick of the University of New Brunswick.

NBAP focuses on educating the public about heritage legislation, cultural resource management (CRM) and Indigenous pasts, according to the U of L. Holyoke and Hyrnick are both from New Brunswick.

Congratulations Dr. Holyoke!

Medal Winner Lawrenz Decano

Join us in congratulating medal winner Lawrenz Decano (BA '24)! Lawrenz took home the Faculty of Arts & Science (Art) Gold Medal at the Spring 2024 Convocation.

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Shining Graduate Ikinainiahkii (Gently Singing), Camina Weasel Moccasin

Ikinainiahkii, Camina Weasel Moccasin's (BA '13, MA '24) pursuit of graduate studies at ULethbridge was driven by her dedication to Blackfoot culture. Reflected in her thesis focusing on Blackfoot sacred and significant …

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What’s the buzz? Pollinators are hard at work

Drs. Shelley Hoover and Dan Johnson share their expertise on pollinators.

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Career Bridge: Centre for Work-Integrated Learning and Career Development

Career Bridge


Put Your Knowledge to Work 

Whether you’re looking for a more in-depth learning experience by assisting with research projects on campus or by testing your knowledge in a real-life work setting, we can help! The University of Lethbridge is proud to offer you an exceptional opportunity to explore professional development through academic programs and services designed to give you a competitive edge in a fast-changing world.

You have a bright future — experience it via Career Bridge at uLethbridge!

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