Drop-in Facility Schedules
Drop-in Facilities Schedules
Check out when the outdoor track is available for drop in. Community Stadium drop in hours >

Open Gym Schedule
Grab your friends or meets new ones while you participate in a pick up game of basketball, badminton or pickleball - the fastest growing sport in North America!
- Activities: play basketball, badminton and pickleball in the three gyms.
- Equipment sign out (with your ID card): basketballs, racquets and nets (badminton and pickleball).
- Purchase: Badminton birds and pickleball balls are available for sale at the Customer Service Centre.
On the schedule you will see the 3 gyms labelled South, Centre and North (the synthetic, blue floor) and the corresponding activity that is the priority in that space. You may also see (E) and (W) designations assigned to a gym, this refers to the East or West end of the court. Activities assigned to a court have priority in that court.

Open Track Schedule
Located above the three gyms, the indoor track is accessed via the stairway in the Fitness Centre.
- Direction: Clockwise or counter clockwise? Look for the signs to tell you each day’s direction.
- Track Lanes: Four 200-metre indoor track lanes and six sprint lanes.
- Equipment: you will find additional weight and cardio equipment up on the Track.

Lane Swim Schedule
The Max Bell Regional Aquatic Centre is an olympic sized competition pool that can transform into various lengths & depths.
- Lanes available & lane length:
- 4x25m = 4, 25m lanes are available.
- 2x50m = 2, 50m lanes are available.
- Empty spaces on the calendar: means that there in no lane swimming available at that time.
- Equipment Available: flutter boards, fins and water running belts are available for your use.

Climbing Wall / Cave
Climbing is a fun and challenging sport for all ages. Join one of North America’s fastest growing sports today!
- Auto Belay & Bouldering Cave: A quick orientation is required to get you started.
- Equipment Sign Out (with your ID cards): Shoes and harnesses are available for use.
- Courses Available: Intro to Climbing, Lead Climbing and Rappelling. See staff for details.

Group Fitness Schedule
A wide variety of fitness and yoga programming is available for all students, staff, faculty, alumni and community members. All levels welcome!
- Classes Offered: H.I.I.T., Barre, TRX, Zumba, Spin, Boot Camp, Yoga and more!
- Book Online: Group fitness classes are included in your membership
ALL levels of fitness welcome! - Specialty Courses: Specialty fitness programs (outside of the group fitness schedule) can be registered for separately online.

Group Bookings
Interested in playing other activities? Reserve space in the gym for your group to play futsal, floor hockey, volleyball and more!
- Bookings: time-slots are available to book 7 days prior.
- Time slots: are one hour long (actually 55minutes). Limit is 2 bookings per day per person.
- Membership: is required to reserve a time-slot