Click here for the Student Booking form.
Faculty of Health Sciences Simulation Health Centre The Simulation Health Centre, located at the west end of the second floor of Markin Hall (M2018 and M2020), is available to support student learning and ongoing clinical practice development. Students can access this facility to acquire nursing skills practice on a one-on-one or small group basis. In addition to psychomotor skill development, students may also acquire assistance with other nursing skills such as documentation and medication calculations. Optional skill-builder sessions are also offered throughout the year and are open to anyone who wishes to attend. Students should watch for email announcements regarding such sessions and are encouraged to RSVP if they are planning to attend, since there is usually a maximum number that can be accommodated at these sessions. Nursing faculty can also refer students to the simulation health centre for additional practice at any time, and written feedback can be provided to clinical faculty who refer students to the centre as part of a performance enhancement plan (PEP). Faculty may also access the Simulation Health Centre for scheduled learning activities to support both clinical and theory groups. The centre instruction team encourage you to discuss your teaching/learning needs with them, and they will do their best to accommodate your request. The Simulation Health Centre features two comprehensive large acute care lab spaces, two high-fidelity simulation rooms, a home care room, three client assessment rooms, and two simulation debriefing rooms. A variety of learning resources are present in the centre including: • 2 SimMan 3G high-fidelity adult patient simulators With the recent addition of these new and expanded clinical learning resources, there will be expanded opportunites for students and faculty to access dynamic nursing skills practice opportunities.
Accessing the Simulation Health Centre Students who wish to access the Simulation Health Centre for additional skills review or practice, should complete a Student booking form. Hardcopies of this form are also available on the Simulation Health Centre door. If you have additional questions regarding booking, please email Faculty who wish to refer a student to the Simulation Health Centre as a requirement for a Performance Enhancement Plan (PEP) should complete the Simulation Health Centre Referral Form and email it to
Useful Links • Assisted Learning for All (Excellent Nursing Skills Resource with Videos)