Dr. Robert Hironaka (1995-1999)

chancellor of the University of Lethbridge from 1995 to 1999, Robert Hironaka has a long association with the institution, serving as a member of Senate from 1983 to 1987.

Born and raised on a farm at Raymond, Alberta, Roberet Hironaka took post-secondary schooling in agricultur, ultimately receiving a Ph.D. in Animal Nutrition from the University of Illinois in 1959. From 1959 to 1991, Robert Hironaka worked as a Research Scientist at the Lethbridge Research Centre. During his time at the research centre, he worked to solve problems encountered by producers and the industries servicing agruiculture, and developed models for feedlot, cattle and pasture management.

His list of honours includes a "Golden award" from the Canadian Feed Industry Association, an "Honourary Life Membership" from the Lethbridge and District Japanses Garden Society and from the Canadian Society of Animal Science, and induction into the Olds College Alumni Association "Hall of Fame".

Robert Hironaka served on the University of Lethbridge Senate for four years, and was a member of the institution's "Access to Success" cabinet in 1994. The University of Lethbridge is proud to honour Robert Hironaka for his service to the instituion, and for bringing the message of the University to the community through the Senate.
--Honourary Degree citation, Fall 2002 Convocation