Guest Speaker's Topics/Abstracts/Bios
Amy von Heyking (Faculty of Education)
Our public schools are tasked with preparing students for democratic citizenship, for productive work, and for the achievement of students’ personal fulfillment. They, therefore, embody complex and sometimes contradictory aims and practices. They reflect and support social values but are also expected to address and solve social problems. They value equity but claim to foster excellence. They build community but seek to nurture individuality and diversity. This talk brings historical context and perspective to contemporary debates about these purposes and the nature of public schooling. It addresses the extent to which current challenges to school curriculum and practices undermine the possibility of education for the common good.
Bio: Amy von Heyking is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of Lethbridge. Her PhD in Educational Policy Studies focused on the history of Alberta school curriculum, particularly citizenship education. Her books include Creating Citizens: History and Identity in Alberta Schools (2006) and Becoming a History Teacher (2014). She has published books and articles on the history of Canadian schooling, curriculum studies, and history teaching and learning. She is the author and editor of history teaching resources.
Janelle Maretta (CSPT PhD Student, Dhillon School of Business)
Title: The Role of Communities in Immigrant Settlement
Bio: Janelle is a PhD Student in the Cultural, Social, and Political Thought program at the University of Lethbridge. She received Medal of Merit for her Master of Science research from the Dhillon School of Business, where she focused on the use of marketing for social good (social marketing). Janelle has an extensive background in the nonprofit sector, most recently as the previous Executive Director for United Way of Lethbridge & Southwestern Alberta. This work primarily focused on community building and poverty reduction initiatives. Her current research is focused on immigration settlement in Canada. Janelle has served on many boards and committees, including the Lethbridge Local Immigration Partnership, Economic Development Lethbridge, Community Social Development with the City of Lethbridge, the Alberta Living Wage Network, and the Social Health Equity Network of Lethbridge and Area. Born and raised in Southern Alberta, Janelle is dedicated to creating collective impact and improving outcomes in our community.