Working Alone
Let Security Know When You're Working Alone On Campus
Communication is a vital key in Working Alone legislation, checking in using the uLethbridge Safe mobile app when working on campus provides an easy way for you to inform Campus Security of your location and keeps U in control! U are able to create your own settings and check-in when you want!
Using this app is as easy as selecting "Workalone" following the steps! Checking in when you say you will provides Security the information needed to know you are ok. If you miss checking in you will receive an automatic reminder followed by a call from a Security Representative. If all attempts to contact you fail, a security representative will attend your reported location to check on your wellbeing.
When work is finished, consider using the Safewalk feature through the uLethbridge Safe mobile app in advance or calling 2549 [(403) 329-2549].
Program developed by Occupational Health and Safety office, Information Technology, and Campus Security
Helps us to account for people in emergency situations.