Kounosu, Shigeru (Sam)

SHIGERU (SAM) KOUNOSU, of Lethbridge, passed away on Monday, February 6, 2023 at the age of 94 years, after a short hospitalization for pneumonia. The family is saddened by his death.
Sam is survived by son Ken and daughter Leah and by brothers Osamu and Makoto of Japan.
He was predeceased by wife Heidi, brothers Atsushi and Satoru, and sister Takako.
Sam was born on August 23, 1928 in Tokyo. After graduating from a teachers’ college, he taught at an elementary school for a few years. During his time as a science teacher, he also started a school choir, with the choir ultimately going to win a prefectural competition, to the great surprise of many people.
Sam returned to the University of Tsukuba to study physics, graduating with a Master’s degree. He went on to complete a PhD in Physics at the University of Pennsylvania, followed by postdoctoral research at Princeton. Sam came to Canada in 1967, to take up a teaching position at the University of Lethbridge in the year of its foundation. Kounosu, who was an elementary particle physicist, enjoyed a lengthy career as a physics professor at ULethbridge.
After retirement, Sam’s first project was to build a summer cottage in Kaslo, British Columbia. He and Hideko (Heidi) spent a number of happy summers in Kaslo, growing vegetables and enjoying the hot springs.
Sam was very independently minded. To the end, he was playing Go (game) with friends and online. After contracting COPD, his range of mobility narrowed but he still enjoyed a good debate, particularly setting the cat among the pigeons.
Kounosu, Shigeru (Sam) | Lethbridge News Now
Condolence Notice — Dr. Shigeru (Sam) Kounosu | Notice Board (ulethbridge.ca)