Meeting Notes - Apr 24, 2015



  • Assignment: highlight indcates assignment
  • Recommendations: italics


  • David Hinger, Scott Powell, Pam Adams and Marlo Steed.


Chair (Marlo):

  • NA

Scott (Tech support):

  • Smart Notebook Advantage Site License
  • 3D Printers
  • GoPro cameras - two Gopro camerras were purchased to capture learning/teaching action shoots.


  • NA,

Items for Action

Software Donation

David Hinger indicated that two software companies were willing to donate software. It was decided that the Faculty is willing to accept such a donation but but the terms need to be determined.

3D Printer Disposition and Management

  • Marlo and Scott identified potential locations for the printers. It was suggested that we explore other Facultieis and Instiutions that use 3D printers to determine how they manage those and security issues. It was agreed that simplify 3D is a probably the best software to use with the 3D printers.

    Background Research

    Both the Art Department and the New Media Department use the printers, and handle it in different ways:

    Art houses their printer in a room where a technician is – if students require after-hours access, they are given a code to the punch lock. Only students who have are registered in an appropriate course are allowed to print. I’m not sure what they do for the cost of materials.

    In New Media, all of the printers are part of the Data Visualization Lab, and this lab also has a punch lock. So far we haven’t charged for printing because it is so minimal, but one of the new printers uses a more expensive resin and we will do a rough calculation. It’s a bit easier in this case, because the money just goes back into the fund that we use to buy material.

  • Marlo was assigned to sned a proposal to Craig and Carol about renovating a room to house the 3D printers - done and done.

Sharing Tech Respources with Faculty

  • It was noted that Faculty members may not be aware of the technologies that are avaialble to them. It was suggested that we have a session during Aug planning days to review theses options for Faculty. Perhaps at the end of one of the our mandatory sessions. We thought, Scott, Kevin, Ken and myself could present technologies that might be useful for Faculty in their course plans. These would be breakout sessions in different rooms covering different technologies and Faculty could choose which session to attend.

  • Marlo was assigned to to make this suggestion to Craig.