Legend: highlight indcates assignment
- review terms of reference for the committee
Tech Support Report
- new color printer - 3rd floor
- laptop carts - going good
- wireless problem - login issues (Scott will talk to Cal Toth and followup with IT)
- move to new email client - Exchange 2010 - has been going quite well (a few glitches)
- TH 168 - new conference rooom
- iMac in staff offices (4th floor) - go to Curr lab and grad grotto first (second yr go to Staff)
Coordinator Report
- NA
Items for Information and Action
- PS III technology pilot (discussion forums and web conferencing)
- Adobe Connect - issues with students not staying connected - Marlo will monitor this over time
- Vydeo - video/web conferencing - inservice?
- Ideas for providing inservice to Faculty: for instance, taking 5 minutes from COWs for Faculty to share how they are using technology (e.g. Ed's use of Vydeo), focus on instuctional purpose rather than on technology, another idea is to have Ken provide a monthyly or biweekly workshop linked to his newsletter - timely issues that may be of value (Marlo will followup and contact Ken)
- Digital Portfolios (how to infuse into program) web site as resource for students (David Slomp volunteered to do pilot?) - everyone would be on the lookout for student exemlplars and send Marlo relevant information; Marlo will create a web area on the Faculty web site which will provide resources and exemplars that will faciliate e-porfolio creation
- common resource for undergrad sharing (Moodle) - David Hinger indicated that the CRDC is working on this and that 3508 is piloting a solution
- tech integration into the program - review (Marlo will have results from Faculty survey for next meeting)