Coordinator - reported on recent initiatives in the Faculty with technology, new Website development, key access to labs, etc.
Kevin - reported on recent refresh of Faculty's laptop computers, PD sessions, equipment purchases, change in status of IT's lab support, etc.
Items for discussion & action
Dealing with change in technology acquisition:
IT no longer supports our current deal where the Faculty purchases a lab of computers and then we buy those computers from IT for a reduced amount. Below are some brainstorming ideas about possible alternative solutions:
- each year purchase new lab - rotate to faculty & staff as per current rotation
- purchase new computers for Faculty - retain for 3 years
- require students to use their own laptops in class (make that a requirement)
- purchase another class set of computers with a cart (one in curr lab, one in TH)
- purchase a class set of ipads
- let Faculty purchase their own computers through PS funds
- check out schools and what they are doing
Some suggestions coming out of the discussion were:
- check with Management - they have thought about it
- what about students who can’t afford their own - Springbank Community School (Leslie Ann Collens principal - talk to David Townsend)
- check the results of the Emerge research done here in Alberta
- there will need to be some phasing in the idea that every student needs their own laptop
- wrieless infrastructure and power
- define minimal requirements
- tech support necessary for student owned devices - will those be supported, if so to what extent?
- standardized hardware
- implications for Faculty/Student PD
- software purchasing (virtualization of lab software)
- have a subcommittee work on this
- bring back to CTiTL
- CTiTL take it to a COW
A subcommittee was struck to explore these ideas further and was composed of Marlo, Tyler Heaton, Scott, and David (and at some point will involve Carol as well as Maurice).
Marlo explained that the Vydio system will increase our ability to reach out to distant students by increasing the ways we can connect to traditional video conferencing system. Currently we are limited to 4 other sites but with Vydio, this can be extended to people who access via their computer with a web cam. The system's main selling point is that it integrates video conferencing with web conferencing. The Univeristy has already purchased a lisence but our part would be $10,000 for an additional 5 seats which would bring the total up to 15.
Generally folks were positive but a test session will be setup for Kevin and David. Assuming that the test session goes well we will probably put forth a recommendation to purchase our part of the Vydio system.
Other Agenda Items
Other items on the agenda were tabled till the next meeting:
- Faculty PD (e.g. Moodle)
- revisiting vision statement