CTiTL Meeting Notes: Oct. 1 - 2012



  • Assignment: highlight indcates assignment
  • Recommendations: italics


Items for Information

  • New approach to document management - Drupal: Marlo
  • Updates to Web site: Marlo
  • Faculty PD: report by Ken
  • iPad cart - report by Kevin - this was recommended in Srpng to admistrationcurrent - the current status is the pricing and viability of the ideas is being tested by Scott and Kevin
  • Applie Volume Purchase - Scott was unavailable to report on this (topic for next meeting)

Belief System Page

  • It was suggested by Cynthia Chambers that we have a nice concise Belief statement on our web site. The committee discussed this and thought that such a statement went beyond the CTiTL committee, so this will be forwarded to administration as a possible topic for a retreat or COW (Marlo).

Early Registration of Practicum Courses

  • During our CTiTL meeting, It was brought to our attention by Jeff Meadows from the CRDC, that for PS I and PS II that the Faculty should be registering the courses, sections, and instructors with the Registrar's office well before the start of the semester. Apparently there is no longer a requirement that students be registered in the course for it to be created. Once students become registered they will automatically be added. This is important for instructors who want to use Moodle and want to start customizing it well before the start of the semester. Hopefully this will solve an age old problem.

    The coordinator (Marlo) will forward this to administration.

Student Discussion Forum (Moodle)

  • The idea of having a global discussion forum or a place to share resources across our students' program was discussed (in Moodle). It was pointed out that in PS III the majors are often under different Faculty Consultants so there is a need for students to share idea and experiences with their peers in their major. The common area in Moodle would be a way to address this.
  • However, most of the committee was very leery of this idea pointing to the difficulties of monitoring and the potential for negative kinds of conversations to start up.
  • It was agreed that such an initiative would have to start small and be monitored. It was pointed out that Ed 3508 was planning to pilot such an area as a pilot to share Notebook lessons that all PS I students develop (as an optional activity). It was also suggested that it could be promoted by individual instructors in PS III, so Marlo will share this as a possible avenue for acadmenic communication in PS III with the PS III coordnator and interested instructors.

Level of Adoption Survey

  • Marlo presented a quick history of the technology survey in the Faculty of Education. After some discussion everyone seemed in agreement that there was not a strong rationale for mounting a level of adoption survey right now in the Faculty. For the time being that will not be pursued.