CTiTL Meeting Notes: November 29 - 2010


Coordinator - NA

Kevin - NA

Scott - reported on recent issues

Items for discussion & action

Dealing with change in technology acquisition:

Scott presented a new approach for the renewal of technology for faculty, staff and students.


IT no longer supports our current deal where the IT purchase a lab of computers and then we buy those computers from IT for a reduced amount. The sub-committee met with administration and brainstormed alternatives. The option most people leaned toward is the following:

  • decommission the current computer lab
  • there would be three laptop carts with 16 computers (one in the Curr. Lab, two in TH)
  • The portable laptops will be enhanced with student owned devices
  • technology would be on a three year rotation
  • new laptops would go into student carts
  • Faculty will keep their assigned laptop for two years and then receive a laptop coming off one of the student laptop carts
  • iMacs would be purchased for the grad grotto and those would rotated into administrative offices
  • this would mean the Faculty would purchase approximately 24 laptops and 6 iMacs each year

Issues that still need to explored further:

  • determine the wireless infrastructure and power requirements
  • explore the implications for Faculty/Student PD (moved forward from previous discussion)
  • software purchasing (virtualization of lab software) - implications for student owned devices
  • CTiTL will take this to a COW

Marlo and Scott will have meetings with IT (wireless infrastructure) and Dave Kunimoto (power).


Marlo reported that the Vydeo system had been evaluated and shared with the committee electronically and that the recommendation to support that technology had been sent out to administration.

Adjudicate TIRP Proposals

There were two TIRP proposals submitted and both were requesting iPads. It was determined that we deny the individual requests but that the Faculty support the purchase of 4 of these devices making those more broadly available for Faculty and staff.

Marlo and Scott were responsible for putting forward a budget and sending that along to Carol.