- Assignment: highlight indcates assignment
- Recommendations: italics
Items for Information and Action
Articulation of ICT in the Faculty of Education
that we need to focus not on the technology per se but modeling appropriate use
encourage but not mandate integration
concern about gaps in our program in term of students not getting technology experiences
map technology integration to KSA (though course outlines)
Faculty PD support is probably best done with peer mentoring (this could be fostered by Ken)
emerging trends: eportfolios, andetextbooks, and integration with student portal
need to capture models of effective tech integration from the practicums - perhaps create video vignettes that could be shared or identify individuals who could be guest speakers in courses
A motion came out of this meeting stating that the CTiTL committee is supportive of some kind of an initiative to collect data about students level of adoption of technology throughout their program to monitor change and assess where in our program students are getting technology experiences.
Rick indicated that he has begun to use such an instrument and he will share that with the committee for review as a possible way of achieving this motion.