CTiTL Meeting Notes: Nov 28 - 2011



  • Assignment: highlight indcates assignment
  • Recommendations: italics


  • review terms of reference for the committee

Review Previous Meeting Notes


Tech Support Report
  • report on TH 341 - capacity 54 - almost done
  • wireless issues
  • luminis platform - for students - common login
  • met with Apple reps
  • app store - downloable apps only
  • tech support upgrade with Apple

Coordinator Report

  • NA

Items for Information and Action


  • In the past backup to server. Problem files became larger, and it became too much. IT can't give us more space. Have to be on campus. Have tried various backup systems over time. Scott did some research with other Departments. Options: people buy their own harddrives - use Timemachine, 2) Faculty buys all the harddrives with Timemachine, (replace drives over time). 3) TRibackup is software appproach $3,000. 58 of us with many files, 17 with jsut a few documents, need 40 more harddrives
  • Scotts suggestions everyone buy their own and use Time machine.
  • Recommendation: In regards to a Faculty wide approach to data backup: The CTiTL commitee recommends to the Dean that if there are sufficinet funds, that the Faculty of Education purchase harddrives for individual faculty members and if the Faculty of Education doesn't have money then individual faculty members use their own professional funds; staff would need harddrives purchased by the Faculty in either scenario. There are concerns that this might nor be part of the lifecycle program, so this may be a one time purchase and faculty members would have to replace defective harddrives over time - possibiliy out their professional allowance funds. There are some Staff who might not need harddrives so other backup strategies will work. Since the recent increase in pricing to harddrives (due to natural disasters in the East), it would be advisable to hold off on making the purchase of this equipment till Spring 2012.

Digital Portfolios

  • more exemplars - with how they were created and links to the tools, variety of tools,
    need to annotate tools
    - introduce it to Ed 3508

Faculty Survey

  • ideas for future surveys: extent and quality of use, have obligation for quality not just use,- level of adoption - (Rick's LOA survey),
  • ongoing support for Faculty, technical side: we are blessed - endorsement of our technology support folks,
  • multiproonged approach for inservice works best, so that is the next step,
  • onlne set of resources, share with Faculty - Ken will add a set of resources to an archival page on the Faculty web site
  • Marlo will report the result through final CTiTL committe report at the end of the year and create a video summarizing results that will be shared with Faculty right away.