CTiTL Meeting Notes: April 26 - 2010


Coordinator - Web Site update

Scott - HD video cameras on the way, 10.6 OSX, video tutorials (Kevin),

Ken - doing workshops - perhaps do it through CAETL - focus on instructional strategies rather than as technology tools

Scott was assigned to explore Faculty licensing for atomic learning and lynda.com video tutorials, (explore site licenses).

Items for discussion

card swipe

The idea of having access to the computer lab controlled by card swipe was explored. The cost is between $2,000 to $2500 total. The various issues surrounding this initiative were discussed.

Scott was assigned to followup on this initiate and order. [Later it was determined that the cost was considerably more than anticipated so we will be going with multiple key sign-out for student access to the computer lab instead of the card swipe approach.]

PS I transition day

Lorraine discussed setting up sessions for technology workshops for the PS I transition day. These workshops could be provided by current teachers from the field on curriculum integration ideas - perhaps have a range of options that students can select from (Mid Nov).

Lorraine will followup on this in the Fall.


E-portfolios were discussed and it was felt that this was something that needs to be discussed in a different venue because of the implications for program. Marlo will send a message to UPDC with a suggestion that they discuss this as possible mandatory part of the program.

Marlo will encourage instructors to make this an optional part of the Ed 3508 experience this Fall, as a pilot.

Student Owned Devices

The idea of establishing mandatory student owned devices, was discussed. The ideas is to have education students required to have their own laptops and bring those class rather than have the Faculty provide the technology. It was determined that the committee should work on this over the next year.

Agenda for the CTiTL committee for next year:

The CTiTL committee will create a report on student owned devices: pros cons, limitations, and visions. The intent is to research the various options and issues and then possibly look at sharing that with Faculty. This could be a way of helping our students prepare for 1to1 laptops scenarios and exploiting student owned devices. Possible issues that will need more research and thought include:

  • recharging stations
  • textbooks
  • software/Internet
  • cost
  • implications for lab computers & ever-greening Faculty computers
  • instructional implications (lessons learned from the Emerge experience).
  • software cloud computing
  • not about money but will it help learning?
  • check with Maurice to see if he has stats about how many students already own laptops
  • use of etextbooks, power
  • buy-in from Faculty
  • issues for recruitment (will this impact recuitment or could this be a recruitment enticement?)
  • list pros/cons/limitations/issues/vision, etc.