CTiTL Meeting Notes: Apr. 28 - 2012



  • Assignment: highlight indcates assignment
  • Recommendations: italics


Items for Information

  • video vignettes of our program
  • Online course evaluations - operational - minor tweaking by CRD
  • iPad id access: Getting software onto multiple ipads is an issue. There is no clear solution here yet but Scott has setup a dumby account , configuratator software maybe forthcoming from Apple
  • virus issue: Anti virus software may become more of an issue than in the past; e.g. flashback virus, Intigo anit virus software - $28 per computer per year, David wondered about a University volume license? Scott will pursue this further with IT.
  • Wireless Issues - everyone complained about the problems with wireless access. It was noted that IT plans to mount a student wireless access in the Fall which will provide access to secure servers and solve the photocopy printing problems - hopefully solve some of the other issues. Scott was assigned to ensure that we test this out well before the Fall semester starts.
  • Rotation Operating system - probably Mountain Lion - if it comes out in time

Adjudication of TIRP Proposals

  • Flatscreen display monitor proposal: This will be driven by a Mac mini and content produced by Beth and Bill. One of the concerns expressed by a number of folks on the committee was that this didn't fit well within the TIRP funding guidelines and was probably something that should be coming through base-budget funding. It should be noted that the cost was a bit more once the details were investigated further ($1400). The coordinator (Marlo) will try to do a better job of educating folks and filtering these items in the future.
  • Recommendation: It was agreed by those in attendance and through email correspondence with those unable to attend, that the Faculty support this proposal.
  • Apple TV Proposoal: This proposal will explore the implementation of an Apple TV for educational purposes; it can be driven wirelessly from and iPad. The one concern expressed was that it currently doen't work with the existing IT network. Alternatives were discussed but it was agreed that further exploration was needed.
  • Recommendation: It was agreed by those in attendance and through email correspondence with those unable to attend, that the Faculty support this proposal in principle after the wireless issues have been eplored, if a work around can be figured out then we should proceed with the purchase.

Level of Adoption Questionnaire

  • The issues coming out of Rick's LOA survey were discussed but since there wasn't good representation at the meeting, it was agreed to put this off. Are students using tech in their practicum teaching? In what categories of use? What level of use?
  • The coordinator (Marlo) will work on a draft version that the committee can respond to for the next meeting (work on it over the summer).

Virus Issues

  • It was pointed out the there is the potential for more viruses coming out for Macs and that we should probably be proactive (e.g. Flashback virus)
  • One option: intigo - $28 per computer/yearyear. One of the questions was if there would be volume discount for an instritutional license? Scott will pursue that with IT - if there is nothing forth coming then we will probably have to act alone

iPad Cart?

  • The possibility of an iPad cart was discussed. Scott noted that there were times when all the laptops were booked and he had to turn intructors away who wanted to use those in their classes. However, it was also noted there were also nonpeak times when the carts are hardly being used (e.g. Dec). It was noted that the laptop carts aren't advertised because those are fully booked at peak times and the ipads are a less expensive way of satisfying most of current need for technology (web browsing). iPads also provide some unique software applications as well as the mobility feature (e.g. for taking photos/video) that would not be available with laptops. It was agreed by people around the table that we should put together a pool of iPads that could be booked out by classes as a pilot (sufficient for a class - perhaps 16).

    Marlo will suggest this through email to the committee and if there is general concensus, will put forward a recommendation to the Dean.