- Assignment: highlight indcates assignment
- Recommendations: italics
Chair (Marlo):
- reviewed technologies that were being explored - VR, Flipgrid, MindMeister, SendItToMe, 3D printing
- texting initiatives in the Faculty (Faculy level - Darcy Tamayose., PS I - Robin Brightt, Nancy Greg, Kurtis Hewson)
- overviewed terms of reference for the committee
Kevin (Tech support):
High demand for carts, curr lab need two smaller carts
reported on web conferencing tools , Zoom seems to be working well - zoom 2 rooms, very positive, Kevinn will check out WebX,
- reported that many folks are using Moodle for blended learning, also that more video is used withprograms like screenflow ,
- Ken will look into better mic system for creating video and will also check into live streaming and cameras for this from IT. - with the idea of exploring this with EUS presentations,
Items for Action
Rename committee and TIRP fund
- it was agreed that we rename the committee to Educational Techology Committee because the full name is difficult to remember and the acrynym is less meaningful
- it was agreed that we rename the TIRP fund to Technology Innovations fund for the same reasons.
- Marlo will send this recommendation on to Faculty Council through Executive Commiittee
Room Renovations - TH341
- it was agreed that the committee should work on a plan to rennovate TH 341 more inline with what the Teaching Center has done with their Upscale Classroom
- Marlo will raise this during the next meetig