Meeting Notes - Feb 18, 2018


  • Assignment: boldindicates assignment
  • Recommendations: italics


  • Ken Heidebrecht, Scott Powell, Thelma Gunn, Marlo Steed, Len Sproule, Robert LeBlanc, Jeff Meadows (Teaching Centre)
  • Regrets:  Josh Markle


Chair (Marlo):

  • NA

Technology Support Report (Scott):

  • high sierra build seems to be working...
  • Photocopy number is not required every time
  • Upgrades to classrooms - large TVs - positive feedback

Teaching Centre (Jeff):

  • D630 - Socratic learning space - new classroom Calgary campus

Instructional Support (Ken):

  • Office 365 workshop & Zoom
  • Faculty calendaring- Margaret B (work through Thelma) - Ken assigned to meet with Thelma

Items for Action

Flexible Learning Space Proposal

The committee had developed a flexible learning space proposal.  The dean explained that we couldn't pursue that due to a lack of budget.

Terms of Reference for the Technology Innovations Fund

Marlo provided a historical context for the creation of the fund  - Jane Odéa - recommendations to Dean.

Currently, the fund is designated for software or hardware that will be explored by the Faculty members for research or instructional purposes.  The purpose of this fund is to test or investigate the effectiveness of various tools that might have potential but are not well known or established for the purposes we intend to pursue.

There was some confusion by the proposal submitters, the chair and the committee in terms of what type of proposal we were willing to consider.  The confusion was around what should come out of base-funding and what was considered "innovative".

Some Options were discussed:

  • Revert for the former approach where proposals were submitted to the Deans office and those were then vetted but the dean and financial officer in consultation with technology Faculty and Technology Support personnel.
  • Technology Innovations Fund would be retained as is but perhaps make some clarification with the description.
  • Ed Tech Committee adjudicates all technology proposals (innovative or not) that are not currently supported by base-funding.  Determine if it should be one-time funding or ongoing base-funding.

After some discussion, it was determined to reword to innovation or application. 

State when competitive it will be the degree of innovative.   The second sentence - remove the term “disposal”. This fund is used to fund projects that integrate technology in teaching & research.

“Items that are of a less....  replace with innovation. competitive it will be the degree of innovative

“Intend to pursue”   Need rewording....

This needs to brought to Faculty Council - send email to Darcy to put it on the agenda.

Proposed wording change to the Technology Innovations fund description.  Those were approved electronically after the meeting and then were brought to Faculty Council for approval.