Enhanced Degree Opportunities
Animal behaviour concentration
The concentration in animal behaviour is for students who want a deeper understanding of the evolution, function, development, and mechanisms of behaviour in non-human animals. It is recommended for psychology majors who are passionate about animal behaviour, especially those who want to go on to advanced studies in animal behaviour or applied animal behaviour (e.g., animal training, veterinary medicine).
Applicants must have completed the following courses with a minimum grade of “B” in each, and present a minimum GPA of 3.00 (calculated on all completed University-level courses) to be eligible for the concentration:
Neuroscience 2610 – Principles of Brain Structure and Function
Neuroscience 2620 – Principles of Behavioural Neuroscience
Psychology 2700 – Behaviour and Evolution
Required courses:
Four of:
Biology 3300 - Evolution
Biology 4740 - Behavioural Ecology
Neuroscience 3660 - Neurobiological Basis of Learning and Memory in the Mammal
Neuroscience 3710 - Behaviour and the Evolution of Brains
Neuroscience 3720 - Play Behaviour
Neuroscience 4600 - Understanding Behaviour
Psychology 3525 - Hormones and Behaviour
Psychology 3760 - Animal Communication
Psychology 3770 - Primate Lives and Human Cognitive Evolution
Psychology 3780 - Animal and Human Personalities
Psychology 3790 - A Biosocial Framework for Human Behaviour
Psychology 3805 - Social Learning and Culture
One Independent Study or Applied Studies course at the 3000 or 4000 level with a focus on animal behaviour
Co-operative Education
Co-operative education allows you to gain work experience directly related to your studies and make valuable contacts in the workforce, all while earning a competitive salary. Completion of the program (3 work terms) allows you to receive a Co-operative Education designation on your degree and, most importantly, a kick-start to your career the minute you graduate. Learn more about Co-operative Education.
Applied Studies
Applied Studies is another unique opportunity offered to all Arts & Science students as a way to earn course credit for career-related paid, volunteer or Community Service work experience. This program is specially designed to allow you to integrate principles learned in the classroom in a practical work setting. Learn more about our Applied Studies opportunities.
Independent Studies
In addition to your regular courses, you may have the opportunity to participate in Independent Studies courses.
Independent Studies courses may be taken for credit inside or outside of the student’s academic major or in an interdisciplinary model. Some majors even require an Independent Studies component. A maximum of five Independent Studies courses may count for degree credit. Combined Degree students may count only three. Independent Studies numbers 2990, 3990 and 4990 indicate the level of advancement.
Independent Studies courses may be elected as early as the second semester or as late as the last, depending upon the capability of the student for undertaking academic work with minimal guidance. Independent Studies courses may take a variety of forms including library research, laboratory research projects or field study. Each Department provides detailed information on its available resources for support of Independent Studies courses.
Admission to an Independent Studies course is achieved through the consent of the instructor, who agrees to guide the Independent Studies course, and by approval of the Department and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Science. Enrolment may be for a regular semester or during a Summer Session. Credit for an Independent Studies course is at the discretion of the Department, upon recommendation of the instructor. Grades are due at the end of the term of registration, as for regular courses.
Since Independent Studies courses are intended to expand a student’s program beyond the limits of the regular curriculum, it may not be used to duplicate course offerings.
Contact the Department for more information on current research or independent studies opportunities.