Welcome to the Accessible Learning Centre!

The Accessible Learning Centre is a member of the Student Services family operating within the Student Affairs department.  If you have a disability that affects your learning and academic success and are looking for information on how to receive academic support, we are your connection to accommodation.   We provide support to students with a wide range of disabilities so that they may feel supported and have equal access to a successful academic experience at our university. 

To determine if you are eligible for the services at the ALC, we review the documentation you provide to us. The documentation must demonstrate that you have a condition or conditions that restrict your ability to perform activities necessary to participate in your studies at the university.  It is expected that this condition will continue to affect you for your entire academic program.

If a student suspects learning challenges, our office can provide a suspected learning disability screening. It is through this process that our staff can appropriately refer students for further assessment/assistance.

In special circumstances, we may provide temporary accommodations for serious medical situations that negatively impact academics during a semester.  These still require documentation from a medical professional and are reviewed on a case by case basis.

To learn more about how to register and other important information for new students, please read through the tabs on the left hand side of the page or contact us using the information at the bottom of the page. 

Core services include: individualized learning plans, exam accommodations, assistive technologies, alternate format textbooks, funding assistance and general advising. We offer personalized supports through educational assistants, academic strategists, tutors and note takers. 

Our office collaborates with students, staff, and faculty to increase opportunities for success at our great institution. The ALC promotes self-advocacy and increased independence among students registered with our office. Our aim is to assist and encourage you as you obtain tools and increased skills to successfully transition into the workforce.

For more information or to book an appointment please contact alc@uleth.ca, call 403-329-2766 (not currently available) or see our office directory.