Johnson, Neal Constantine

Dr. Neal Johnson of Lethbridge, beloved husband of Mrs. Francine Desjardins, passed away peacefully at Chinook Regional Hospital on October 26, 2023, at the age of 87 years surrounded by loved ones. Johnson was an Associate Professor in Art Education with the Faculty of Education from 1983 until his retirement in June 1994. Following his retirement, he was a Sessional Instructor in the Faculty until 2011.
Neal’s life started in Eastend, Saskatchewan. His parents Frederick Johnson from North Dakota with Swedish ancestry, and Mary Ellen née Hazelton from Ontario with Irish Roots, met and Neal’s life began. His paternal grandparents Andrew and Hannah Jonsson journeyed from Malmö, Sweden. They settled in Robsart, Saskatchewan, where they managed their own lumber mill. Neal comes from a long line of physically strong and stoic, resilient heritage.
Neal’s Bachelor of Education and Masters in Education degrees were achieved at the University of Calgary. Neal’s Doctorate was defended and finalized in 1983 at the University of Oregon. He was Associate Professor in Art Education at the University of Lethbridge. Prior to that, he was Fine Arts Coordinator for Lethbridge School District 51.
Neal was an incredibly talented artist in ceramics, watercolor painting, printmaking, pottery, metal enameling and jewelry casting. He loved and was devoted to his family, his art, dancing to the tunes of Big Band, reading and studying Shakespeare. Neal was well respected and loved by all who knew him. He was a fine gentleman. Loving Neal and being loved by him for a lifetime would still not have been long enough.
Neal is survived by his loving and devoted wife Francine; his son Mark Johnson; his stepsons Mark Huff (Carla), Phillip Huff (Sherry); his brother Lowell Johnson (Jeannie); brother-in-law Bob Howell (Elaine-deceased); our grandchildren Xander, Merrick, Samuel, Phoebe and Elwood will miss their grandpa Neal dearly.
Obituary for Dr. Neal Constantine Johnson | Martin Brothers Funeral Chapels (
Condolence Notice — Dr. Neal Johnson | Notice Board (