Barnhill, J. Al

With the passing of Al Barnhill, passes a great light of love for friends, family, sport, art, music, theatre, environmental protection, education, justice, community, peace, travel, inquiry, research, politics, and debate. These guided him through an adventure of life, starting in humble hard times in Wetaskiwin in 1938, born to loving parents Alice & Alexander “Alec” with sister Alice Jean. Family life flourished for Al, falling in love with his wife Suzanne “Sue” Olsen followed by daughter Ann Marie and son John, and later his second marriage to Gretchen Mason in 1989.
Barnhill, who earned his PhD in business administration, taught in Management from 1983 through 1987, and ran an independent small business as well as a management consulting business. His ties to the University of Lethbridge were strong, especially to its students, who he continued to support as an active donor.
Barnhill established the Alexander Barnhill Bursary for International Students in honour of his father, who he says was his guiding light to higher education. The bursary is awarded to entering or continuing undergraduate international students with financial need.
Most recently, Barnhill was a key contributor to the World University Service of Canada Student Refugee Program at ULethbridge.
“My experience is that student refugees are incredibly hard working, motivated and have overcome huge obstacles to seek an education,” he said. “In many cases, they are learning a new culture, even a new language, in addition to their studies. Providing a small amount of financial assistance while they build their life in Canada is important to their long-term success.”
Barnhill’s dedication to higher learning and community building will be sorely missed but will continue on through the many worthy causes he supported. For more on his philanthropical legacy, see this feature story.
Often filled with humour and light, trying to improve the situations he encountered. He leaves us peacefully, with gratitude and appreciation to friends, colleagues, and numerous loved ones. Please remember his kindness towards others, his work to benefit education, equality, peace, environment, community, and justice. Please send kind wishes and prayers for his onward journey. In his own words, “He did his best, now it’s time to rest.”
Condolence Notice — Dr. Al Barnhill | Notice Board (