I-CYS Symposium: At the Intersections of Childhood 2018

When: Wednesday, April 18th, 2018 (8:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Where: Dwell Urban Venue 418-13th Street North Lethbridge, Alberta
Register by April 10, 2018: http://bit.ly/ICYS2018Register
Forward the below pdf posters to your friends and colleagues who you think might be interested in this symposium!
I-CYS Call for Poster Session.pdf
Event Description
The Institute for Child & Youth Studies (I-CYS) is hosting its second annual “At the Intersections of Childhood” symposium on youth & civic engagement on April 18th, 2018. The purpose of this one-day symposium is to bring together a group of interdisciplinary scholars whose work lies at the intersection of youth and civic engagement. It will connect academics and community members – including high school students – who are working to promote or critically analyze the civic engagement work of young people. A strong focus of the symposium is the explicit invitation of community members for their participation as active participants to comment on, critique, engage with, and explore the materials, ideas, and concepts presented by the panelists. This participation is important in fostering a dialogue among the academic and local communities in moving forward in the study of children and youth, as well as civic engagement.
Keynote Presentation:
This event will begin with a keynote lecture by Dr. Lauren Silver (Associate Professor of Childhood Studies at Rutgers University Camden). Focusing on race, gender, and class in inner-city contexts in the United States, Dr. Silver’s presentation will discuss how civic engagement practices in undergraduate teaching can promote social justice while creating new knowledge about the educational experiences of children and youth living in urban areas. The symposium will also consist of three panel presentations and discussions by University of Lethbridge scholars and invited guests. Please scroll down to the proposed agenda for more information about presenters, and visit the following link for bios and abstracts: /research/centres-institutes/institute-child-and-youth-studies/presenter-abstracts-and-bios
Undergraduate/Graduate Poster Session:
The symposium will conclude with a student poster session, which will provide an opportunity for both undergraduate and graduate students to present their work that relates to youth and/or civic engagement. This will also allow students to practice disseminating research with other students and faculty members, while gaining academic experience of a poster presentation. Prizes will be awarded at each level of study.
Registration fees are as follows:
- $50.00 - faculty/staff;
- $20.00 - students/community workers;
- $20.00 - Poster presenters with lunch;
- Free - poster presenters without lunch
Please click on the following URL to register: http://bit.ly/ICYS2018Register - Register by April 1, 2018!
8:30 am - Registration
9:00 am - Opening remarks, introduction to the project, and traditional land acknowledgement
9:30 am - Keynote address Dr. Lauren Silver (Associate Professor of Childhood Studies at Rutgers University-Camden)
10:30 am - Questions/comments for Dr. Silver
11:00-11:30 am - Coffee/tea break/snacks
11:30-12:30 pm- First panel: Considering Inclusive Civic Engagement with Youth (Chair: Dr. Janice Victor)
- Taylor Little Mustache (University of Lethbridge Undergraduate Student) & Jamie Lewis (University of Lethbridge Undergraduate Student)
- Dan Irete, Lethbridge Family Services - Immigrant Services
- Omar Rodriguez (University of Lethbridge, Department of Modern Languages)
12:30-1:30 pm - Lunch break: Umami Shop
1:30-2:40 pm - Second Panel: Civic Engagement in Schools (Chair: Doug Checkley)
- Irene Dersch (Social Studies Educator / Interact Liaison)
- Teagan Dixon, Eman Ali, & Sydney Whiting: High School students from Chinook High School
- Aaron Stout (Education MA student, University of Lethbridge)
2:40-3:00 pm - Coffee break
3:00-4:30 pm - Third panel: A Critical Look: Youth and Civic Engagement (Chair: Dr. Robert LeBlanc)
- Dr. Andriko Lozowy (Assistant Professor of Sociology, University of Lethbridge)
- Katelyn Mitchell (Cultural, Social, & Political Thought MA student, University of Lethbridge)
- Anne Jones (Evolution & Behaviour PhD student, University of Lethbridge)
4:30-5:30 pm - Poster session
5:30-6:00 pm - Concluding remarks
For presenter information and session abstracts, please visit the following link: /research/centres-institutes/institute-child-and-youth-studies/presenter-abstracts-and-bios
Ashley Henrickson, MA Student, ashley.henrickson@uleth.ca
Kaitlynn Weaver, MA Student, kaitlynn.weaver@uleth.ca
Doug Checkley, PhD Student, doug.checkley@uleth.ca
Organizing Committee
- Doug Checkley, PhD Student
- Melissa Shouting, Undergraduate Student
- Victoria Holec, PhD Student
- Tessa Penich, Undergraduate Student
- Jamie Lewis, Undergraduate Student
- Jenny Oseen, Adminstrative Assistant
- Kristine Alexander, Director I-CYS
- University of Lethbridge Office of Research and Innovation Services
- Canada 150 Grant
- Community Foundation of Lethbridge & Southern Alberta