The I-CYS Podcast

Welcome to the I-CYS Podcast! 

Listen to conversations about child and youth issues at the University of Lethbridge, provincially, and around the globe! 

List of Episodes

Episode 01: Dr. Erin Spring (University of Lethbridge)

Episode 02: Dr. Michelle Hogue (University of Lethbridge)

Episode 03: Ashley Henrickson (University of Lethbridge)

Episode 04 Part I:  Raising Spirit - with Amy Mack & Taylor Little Mustache 


Episode Descriptions

Episode 04 Part I: Raising Spirit

In this podcast, Amy Mack (PhD student, University of Alberta) and Taylor Little Mustache (member of Piikani; undergraduate student, University of Lethbridge) talk about their work on the Raising Spirit project. The Raising Spirit project started with a photo elicitation conducted by Tanya Pace Crosschild (Opokaa'sin Early Intervention Society) and Dr. Jan Newberry (Anthropology, University of Lethbridge) about child-rearing values among Blackfoot families, and evolved into the creation of a digital library. Amy and Taylor talk about the role of traditional knowledge in this collaborative project, their summer field work sessions, how they both experienced transformational learning and teaching moments with youth and Elders, and the role of humour in cross-cultural collaboration. This podcast was recorded in August 2017.

Learn more about Piikani First Nation:
Learn more about Opokaa'sin:
Majorville Medicine Wheel Historic Site:….aspx?id=15835
Writing(Drawing)-On-Stone Historic Site:…ng-on-stone-pp/


Episode 03: Ashley Henrickson

Ashley Henrickson is currently in her first year of the M.A. program in History at the University of Lethbridge. She studies the emotional experiences of Canadian children in the Great War and is interested in the effects of war on children, especially children who are physically distanced from the conflict. Ashley is a two-time recipient of the Chinook Summer Research Award in 2014 and 2015. She graduated with a Bachelors of Education and Bachelor of Arts with Great Distinction from the University of Lethbridge in 2016.

In this podcast, Ashley talks about her recent I-CYS Symposium poster entitled: “What can we learn about the experience of Canadian children in the Great War from their letters to Maple Leaf Club?” She discusses themes of patriotism and hardship experienced by children writing to the Maple Leaf Club during the Great War and about seeking out children's voices in adult-dominated discourses.


Episode 02: Dr. Michelle Hogue

A conversation with Dr. Michelle Hogue, Associate Professor, Coordinator of the First Nations Transition Program, and Affiliate of the Institute for Child and Youth Studies (University of Lethbridge).

Michelle's teaching and research centre on building bridges between Aboriginal and Western ways of knowing and learning (AWKL) to enable the success of Aboriginal learners in science and mathematics through a Two-Eyed Seeing approach (to see with an Indigenous lens and a Western lens, and to use both together for informed and bridging understanding). Michelle’s methodological approach is hands-on learning by doing through science, technology engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM). Michelle is currently gathering information on best practices in Canada, the United States, New Zealand, and Australia for engaging Aboriginal students in science and mathematics to develop an inclusive, culturally responsive teaching practice and curricula for educators that enables Aboriginal learners to successfully bridge cultures and enter into science and mathematics-related academic and career paths.

In this podcast, Michelle talks about challenges of bridging the gap between Western and Indigenous science learners through the approach of Two-Eyed Seeing, pioneered by Dr. Cheryl Bartlett and Elders Albert and Murdena Marshall; the importance of learning by doing; the art of listening; and her participation in the first annual I-CYS symposium At the Intersections of Childhood 2017.

Find out more about Michelle through the articles listed on the University of Lethbridge website:


Episode 01: Dr. Erin Spring 

Dr. Erin Spring is a Postdoctoral Fellow as well as an Instructor in Academic Writing and Liberal Education at the University of Lethbridge. She was the first I-CYS Postdoctoral Fellow from 2014 to August 2016, and has returned for a final year in January 2017. She received her PhD in Education from the University of Cambridge in 2014. Erin’s interdisciplinary work in multiliteracies straddles the fields of children’s literature, child and youth studies, and children's geographies. She was the 2015 recipient of IBBY Canada’s Frances E Russell grant for her current work with Blackfoot readers in southern Alberta. Her most recent publications can be found in Children’s Geographies, Jeunesse: Young People, Texts, Cultures, and Children’s Literature in Education. Learn more about Erin:

In this podcast, Erin talks about the Institute for Child and Youth Studies; her past and current research in multiliteracies, including her work with young adult readers (newcomers to Canada and young Blackfoot readers); the importance of researching child and youth issues; and the pivotal place of community outreach in her work.