Disability Parking
If you require accessible parking on campus you must be in possession of a valid Provincial Disability placard. If using the Provincial placard on campus it must be registered with Campus Mobility Services and displayed with a valid U of L permit.
An individual that holds a Disability placard and is in need of a Univeristy of Lethbridge parking permit will be charged the cost of a Lot N permit (lowest price on campus). Although the individual will hold a Lot N permit they will be able to utilize any of the accessibility stalls around campus.
To register your Handicap Placard, supply a copy of the placard and the pink Provincial registration certificate to Campus Mobility Services.
Provincial Handicap placard forms are available online at http://www.servicealberta.gov.ab.ca/2070.cfm
Please be advised all accessibility stalls are on a first come first serve basis, there is no guarantee that a stall in your preferred lot will be available. For any accessibility concerns please call Campus Mobility Services at 403-329-2602.