Archived Publications


Aperture is an e-newsletter for alumni and friends of the University of Lethbridge. Aperture informs alumni about relevant alumni and University news and events. It provides updates on alumni benefits and services, the Alumni Association, and other information as necessary.

To subscribe to Aperture, please fill out our alumni update form.


To read previous issues of SAM online, click here.

SAM - Southern Alberta Magazine – served as a testament to the impact the U of L has on southern Alberta and shared the stories of all those who contributed to the University. With SAM, we celebrated all that is unique to the U of L. As a name, Sam was the first official president of the University of Lethbridge – W. A. S. (Sam) Smith. Smith was a founding member of the University and demonstrated an innovative spirit that is still very much a part of everything the University does today.

Alumni Journal

Access previous issues of the Journal, the former University of Lethbridge alumni magazine.