The Agility Innovation Zone is a makerspace that provides access, resources, 
and equipment to support innovation, creation and entrepreneurship 
within the University of Lethbridge community.
Training and materials in the Innovation Zone are available for personal use and small-scale prototyping.



Where is the Innovation Zone?

Science Academic Building - SA6304

If you have previously completed the Orientation Training you will still need to sign this year's (2024-2025) waiver.

The waiver needs to be re-signed every September.

Access WAIVER here


Step One

Innovation Zone Orientation

Visit the Agility Innovation Zone Training Moodle course to self-enroll. You must complete the contents of the Innovation Zone Orientation section before you begin training on equipment in the Innovation Zone. Within the course you will:

  • Become oriented to the Innovation Zone
  • Read the Innovation Zone Lab Hazard Assessment
  • Attest that you have read Lab Hazard Assessment
  • Sign the Agility Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Assumption of Risks & Indemnity Agreement 

The orientation is part of an online Agility Innovation Zone Course which can be accessed below.

Access the course here

Step Two

Complete the online training for the equipment you wish to use in the Innovation Zone. The online training must be completed first before you can request to confirm your training in person with the Agility staff. 

All online equipment modules are available in the course below.

Access the course here



Step Three

Equipment Training

Training must be completed before you can gain access to the equipment within the Agility Innovation Zone. To schedule a session on equipment training complete our training request form. Once you have been approved to use a piece of equipment, you will be able to begin to create bookings. Training will consist of the following elements:

  • Reading equipment specific Lab Hazard Assessments
  • Acknowledging the Hazard Assessment
  • Receiving in-person training on how to use the equipment properly.
  • Demonstrating your knowledge of how to properly use the equipment.

Equipment Training Request Form



Book Equipment Here

Training must be completed before you can book the equipment in the Zone. Use buttons below to book a piece of equipment for a certain time.


Valerie Archibald

Valerie Archibald, Director of Agility

About Valerie

  • My role as Director of Agility, in the Teaching Centre & Agility is to provide leadership to Agility and manage the Innovation Zone. Working with faculty and students we develop and implement experiential learning opportunities. I lead the creation and delivery of a comprehensive suite of programmes that support students and community in enabling entrepreneurship activity from ideation through to prototype and product creation. My goal is to provide students with a feeling of self-confidence and belonging on campus.

Colleen Klassen, Innovation Zone Coordinator

I am here to ensure everything in the Innovation Zone runs as smoothly as possible, so that it is an accessible and meaningful space to everyone who comes through the door. My role is a great mixture of administration as well as planning and facilitating class visits, workshops and events. I love to connect with students and staff and learn about their projects and ideas, and I find the creative atmosphere of the Zone to be really inspiring. I also look forward to engaging with U of L faculty and seeing how the Agility Innovation Zone can support and enhance their curriculum.

Kevin Roeloff

Kevin Roelofs, Innovation Zone Technician

About Kevin

  • As a maker and part-time unofficial comedian, I like to be outside doing adaptive outdoor sports and am an advocate for getting persons with disabilities engaged in adaptive outdoor activities. What I’m looking forward to most is meeting you in the Zone, having random conversations, and building mobility scooters with adventure in mind. 
  • Specializations
    • 3D Modeling + Printing
    • AutoCad Fusion
    • Everything Innovation Zone #I’llgetyoustarted #lovebrunch
Struan McNair

Struan McNair 

I am a 4th year Environmental Science major. I am greatly interested in Science and SciFi along with fantasy, so I love to discuss and talk about many topics with people and exploring those topics in detail. 

I have extensive experience with the Laser cutter/engraver knowing a few tips and tricks when it comes to workings and utility. 

Feel free to talk with the staff of the agility centre as they are here to help you and learn what interests and intrigues you. 

Alex Wingate

Alex Wingate 

Hey, I'm Alex, I'm a 4th year computer science student at the University of Lethbridge. I decided on my degree when I built an Othello AI program that won a little tournament I hosted in high school. My favourite tool in the zone is the 3D printer along with Fusion 360 (which comes with every Uleth account, take advantage). My advice would be to put a lot of love into your designs, as once in a blue moon they'll work well on the first try. Most of the time though you'll need to iterate again and again and again. I always try to remember that Ford started out with the model A, but the one we all hear about is the model T. 

Shane McDougall

Shane McDougall 

Oki niistoo niitanikoo Siksiikakoan! Hello, my name is Shane Gordon McDougall, my Blackfoot name is “BlackfootMan”, and I am from the Piikani Nation. I am a 4th year student with a Major in Indigenous Studies, and a Minor in Archaeology. I was first hired as a summer student at the Agility Innovation Zone, my job was to Indigenize the space and make it more inviting to our Indigenous students at the U of L. One of the things I introduced was “Traditional Games”, four games to start, Double Ball, Ball and Tail, Make the Stick Jump, and The Stone House game.  I also had the freedom to show my leather work and Indigenous crafting skills, and I made numerous items, including an Elk Rattle. We have hosted events and workshops through the school year and summer for Indigenous and non-indigenous students where I was able to showcase the Games. Double Ball was a big hit and along with my colleague and good friend Kevin Roelofs we are going to try to offer it as an Intramural Sport at the U of L. Another big hit was Medicine Bag Making. Going into the Fall I have lots of ideas which include Moccasin making, Ribbon skirt, and shirt making, Drum making, Smudge Box kits, Leather Belts, and Beading Workshops, we are also going to have Elder Francis First Charger in to bless the Zone. The Agility Innovation Zone and the Staff have welcomed me in and I feel as an Indigenous Man that they have made and are continuing to be a big part in Truth and Reconciliation. I look forward to working more with them now and in the future.

Liz Stewart

Zeth Stewart

Hi, my name is Zeth! I study neuroscience and I'm in my third year. Even though my career will lead into STEM my calling is art and I hope to express my love for it through all kinds of mediums. This is to show others that it's ok to be uncomfortable with something you're unfamiliar with as I am still learning a lot of that aspect. 

I really like any sort of power, craft or rotary tools and will stick to crafting with cheaper supplies that showcases that you don't need fancy tools or expensive supples to make nice things, it's just a bonus we provide for free.  And the tip of the day; don't eat anything you ain't supposed to, most of the stuff in here isn't tasty anyways.