We Believe You
You are not alone. We are here to support you.
We all play a part in creating a safe and supportive campus. At the University of Lethbridge, we are committed to creating a culture of consent and ending Gender Based Violence on campus.

Sexual Violence Policy
To view the Sexual Violence Policy, click on "More Information" below.

Preventing Sexual Violence Action Committee (PSVAC)
PSVAC is comprised of students, staff, and faculty who care deeply about working collaboratilvey to cultivate a culture of consent in our campus community.

Interested in a Workshop?
Want to learn more about the roots of sexual violence and strengthen your skills for responding to disclosures from friends, colleagues, or students?
24/7 emergency response
For immediate emergency response contact Security Services at 403-329-2345 or 911.
Please note: Services are currently being offered in-person, via Zoom or over the phone. You can choose your mode of service!