Emergency first aid care is available 24 hours a day on campus. Security Representatives are trained to assist with all medical emergencies and are available at all times.
For Serious or Life Threatening Emergencies
Call 9-1-1 for Fire, Ambulance and Police
Remain calm and do not leave the injured/ill individual.
Ensure the scene is safe - minimize further danger to the injured person or yourself. Do not move the person unless there is a high risk of further injury.
Provide the dispatcher with the required information;
You will be asked if you require police, ambulance or fire services.
You will be asked to provide your name, phone number, location.
Inform Security Services 403-329-2345 (2345 from a in-house phone) of your 911 call immediately. They will be able to assist the ambulance/paramedics to reach you.
For Non-emergent Injury or Illness
Call a Security Representative at (403) 329-2345 or 2345 (on an in-house phone).
Stay on the line and a Security Representative will speak with you shortly. Fully describe what is happening and the representative will come to your location.
Injuries that occur on campus require the completion of a Campus Accident/Injury Report within 24 hours of the near miss or injury.
Health Link is a free service to provide you with health information and advice. Access is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with support provided by Registered Nurses and other Health Care Professionals.
Call them toll free at 8-1-1 or view health information online at MyHealth.Alberta.ca