What are Drugs?

Alcohol and Drugs

Drinking alcohol and taking drugs increases the effects of all of the drugs in your body. This is really dangerous and potentially fatal because you have no idea how you might react to this mix. Death may occur when moderate amounts of alcohol are combined with other depressant drugs such as sleeping pills and tranquilizers. Even small amounts of alcohol when taken together with these or other drugs, such as antidepressants, cannabis (weed), or antihistamines (in cold, cough and allergy medications), can seriously impair your ability to drive a car or even walk properly.

Signs of an Overdose

If you are using drugs, or are with someone who has used drugs, and you or they have any of these symptoms call 9-1-1 immediately.

The following syptoms are signs of an overdose:


  • Breathing is slow or not breathing at all
  • Nails and/or lips are blue
  • Choking or throwing up
  • Making gurgling sounds
  • Skin is cold and clammy
  • Can't wake them up


Please click here for more information regarding first-aid practices that could help save a life.