50 Years, 50 Voices project has now launched (http://www.uleth.ca/50-voices/).
Tracy McNab (Project Manager) worked diligently over the last 16 months, from mentoring students to dealing with technical glitches. Also, thanks to students Johanna DeVisser, Diane MacKenzie, Nicole McMullen, and Jasmine Saler for their assistance.
A special thank you to those that lended their voices in making this project a success.
More details on the 50 Years, 50 Voices can be found at http://www.uleth.ca/unews/article/oral-history-project-celebrates-u-l%E2%80%99s-50th-anniversary-50-voices#.WH0qlk2Qzcu
The COHT is proud to Welcome Tracy McNab as the Project Head for the U of L's 50th Anniversary Oral History Project!
The 50 Voices Project is sponsored by the Centre for Oral History and Tradition to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the University of Lethbridge in 2017. The project will see the presentation of audio clips and photographs extracted from new interviews and from the 1st Generation Oral History Project of people from all walks of life that contributed to the success of the University. Students, faculty and staff will conduct project work. The oral history vignettes will be unveiled on the COHT website in 2017. The full audio interviews, digital transcripts and photographs will be made available at the University Archives and on their website for future research, and as valuable records of the history of the University.
For more information, please contact Tracy McNab, Project Manager at 403-308-0709 or via email at tracy.mcnab@uleth.ca.
Tracy McNab was born in Lethbridge and grew up on a farm east of Warner, Alberta. She received her B.A. in Anthropology, majoring in Archaeology in 1981. In 1982, she was hired as a planner for the City of Lethbridge Urban Parks Project, which saw the development of the river valley parks, trails, and the redevelopment of Henderson Lake Park, the Galt Museum and Fort Whoop-Up. She continued her education, working towards a B.Mgt and majoring in Labour Relations at Uleth. While raising her family, she taught physical education for students of the Criminal Justice program at Lethbridge College for 3 years and later, returned to Uleth to complete an M.A. in Anthropology. Her research considered the labour of Southern Alberta farm women’s clubs in creating community and she won the Medal of Merit for excellence in Graduate Studies for this thesis in 2009. Following this, she worked for with the Prentice Institute, and currently she is the Project Manager for the 50 Voices Project for the Centre for Oral History and Tradition. She has had numerous volunteer experiences in the past; currently, she is the Chair of the Board of Directors for the Galt Museum and Archives. Her other interests include trail running, camping, and travelling, anywhere.