Academic Quality Assurance Committee

The formal academic quality assurance process is overseen by the Academic Quality Assurance Committee, a committee of the General Faculties Council. Quality assurance reviews are guided by the Academic Quality Assurance Policy and Procedures document. The current members of the Academic Quality Assurance Committee are:

Lynn Kennedy (History, Faculty of Arts and Science) - Chair

Nicole Eva

Nicole Eva, Associate University Librarian

Peter Visentin

Peter Visentin (Music, Faculty of Fine Arts)

Craig Coburn (Geography, Faculty of Arts and Science)

Justin Blum

Justin Blum (Drama, Faculty of Fine Arts)

Kevin McGeough (Geography & Environment, Faculty of Arts and Science)


Annie Ebenmelu

Annie Ebenmelu (Students' Union)

Ademilayo Michael Enigbokan

Ademilayo Michael Enigbokan (Graduate Students' Association)

Shandi Bleiken, Coordinator, Academic Programming and QA Analyst, Office of the VP Academic) -- Resource

Vicki Grisack (Governance Officer, Office of the President) -- Resource

The Office of the Vice President (Academic) supports the entire academic quality assurance process as required. The review processes are directed and facilitated by a document the University Review Committee developed in 2004 and revised in 2012: the Academic Quality Assurance Policy & Process.