Awards & Scholarships

uLethbridge awards a number of internal and external scholarships, awards and bursaries. We also encourage you to utilize additional resources for award applicants, including other funding databases.

We have an admission award called the Univ. of Lethbridge Graduate Research Award (ULGRA) for which every student admitted to a full-time graduate program is considered. Please note that admission into a program is not a guarantee you’ll receive award funding. This admission award has no application and you will be assessed at the time you apply for admission. You can review the guidelines for ULGRA here

Additionally, you will be considered for Graduate Assistantships work at the time of admission and your supervisor may be able to offer you a Research Assistantship or stipend (ask your supervisor about that possibility).

The Graduate Awards website lists many upcoming funding opportunities. Each entry provides key information about the funding opportunity, including the application deadline and information on how to apply.

More questions?

View our Funding Your Graduate Education webinar below, or you can contact our Graduate Funding Facilitator through our awards inquiries form

Funding Your Graduate Education - March 2021