Choose Format

Variety of Formats


  • Physical printed versions of the required textbook.

​​​e-books and Access Codes:

  • eBooks are an electronic version of a traditional textbook or coursepack. 
  • Access Codes provide students with additional online learning tools. 
  • Please be aware that eBooks may not contain access codes required for your course. 
  • Prices for both e-books and access codes will vary from publisher to publisher but can be significantly cheaper than a traditional printed textbook.
  • Digital materials purchased from our third-party digital partners will be instantly accessible.
  • Credit cards are required to purchase these materials from those digital partners
  • Please see e-books & Access-Codes for more information on e-books and Access Codes.


  • Coursepacks are collections of readings, drawn from a variety of sources, assembled in print form to supplement or replace traditional textbooks.
  • Collections of digital readings may be available free via Moodle OR will be requested as official print runs to be stocked in-store.
  • Coursepacks are made available to purchase in both print and digital formats whenever possible. The digital versions would be made available through our digital provider partners.

Lab Manuals: 

  • Lab manuals are generally instructor-authored and required by students to complete experiments and assignments in a laboratory setting.
  • Lab manuals may be available free via Moodle OR will be requested as official print runs to be stocked in-store.


  • Workbooks are generally instructor-authored and, similar to lab manuals, are required by students to complete assignments and record notes.
  • Workbooks may be available free online OR will be requested as an official print-run to be stocked in-store.

Open Educational Resources: 

  • Open Educational Resources are teaching and learning materials that provide users with (1) free and unfettered access and (2) 5R legal permissions to retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute them, which can be used to replace traditional expensive learning resources (such as textbooks).
  • Open Educational Resources are usually provided as links to students by their instructors. If the Bookstore has the link from the instructor we will provide the link for information purposes.