Letters of Appointment Process for Senior Administrators Guidelines


Revision History:

  • September 11, 2024: The Statutory Deans Council (SDC) approved the Letters of Appointment Process for Senior Administrators guidelines, effective immediately.
    • Key Changes:

      • Highlighted the involvement of the Associate Vice-President (Human Resources) to ensure compliance with Provincial Government compensation regulations and restrictions (§2).
      • Provided more explicit guidance on drafting Letters of Appointment (LOAs) for potential appointees (§2).
      • Editorial updates to align with the Institutional Policy Document template, correct broken links, and include a direct link to the appropriate Senior Human Resources Consultant for additional support (§2.2)
  • November 18, 2020: Approved by Statutory Deans' Council 

    Keywords: Letters of Appointment (LOA), Senior Administrators, LOA templates, Recruitment and Selection, Offer of Appointment, Appointment Process, Human Resources