This survey was administered to the Faculty in the Spring of 2011 - it is left here for reference.   It is not active.

This survey is for Faculty members, sessional instructors, and secondments and will determine the levels of technology use in the Faculty of Education. Your cooperation in filling out this survey will provide important information about the status of technology use and possibly determine directions for future initiatives. Your identity will remain anonymous unless you indicate otherwise in the comment fields. If you have any problems or concerns with this survey, please contact Marlo Steed.

Instructional Strategies
For each of the following instructional strategies, indicate if you have used technology to accomplish that, if you intend to use technology for this in the future and if would like professional development on that.
Student Collaboration
Shared Documents: you design activities where students edit/create common information online - e.g. Google docs, Wikis, etc.
Accessing Information:
you disseminate information to students via web pages, digital video or audio, presentations (e.g. PowerPoint slides, podcasts, Youtube, Vimeo, etc.)
you design activities where students do web authoring, create e-portfolio, etc. (e.g. Blogs, iWeb, WordPress, edu.Glogster, etc.)
Representational Creation
you design activities where students create: video, audio, digital images, digital stories, or digital presentations (e.g. Power Point, Notebook, Keynote, Photoshop, iMovie, Audacity, etc.)
Class/Group Discussions - in real time, face to face
you engage students in chat sessions, web conferencing (e.g. Skype, iChat, Adobe Connect), or video conferencing (Vydyo)
Class/Group Discussions - not in realtime, not face to face
you engage students in discussion forums (asynchronous conversations) (e.g. Moodle/WebCT discussion forums, VBulletin, etc.)
Interactive Learning
Individual Activity:
you provide opportunities for students to do online simulations, educational games, or interactive demonstrations; the action is controlled by the individual learner
Group or Class Activity
you involve students in group/class use of interactive whiteboards or Internet activity demonstrations; the action is controlled by individual learners in front of the class
Find Resources
you encourage students to find online information to complete a report or create representations (e.g. Google, discussion of search strategies, searching etc.)
Analyze and Represent Data
you design activities where students use numeric data analysis tools (e.g. Inspire Data, SPSS, manyeyes, Excel, etc.), or text data anaylsis (e.g. Wordle)
Evaluate Sources
you create opportunities for students to discuss authenticity and validity of online sources
you systematically encourage students to properly cite online sources or use an electronic bibliographic system (e.g. Endnote)
Summative Evaluation
you have students take online exams or use online grade-books (e.g. the gradbook inside WebCT or Moodle)
Formative Assessment
you assess students using remote clickers to register answers, online surveys or quizzes, online comments (e.g. Comments in Word documents), or online peer assessment (e.g. Moodle Workshop or Discussion forums, etc.)
Alberta Education. (2003). Information and communication technology outcomes. Retrieved Feb. 11, 2011, from Alberta Education. (1997). Alberta education’s knowledge, skills, and attributes. Ministerial Order (#016/97). Retrieved Feb. 11, 2011, from NETS Project. (2007). National educational technology standards for students. ISTE. Retrieved Feb. 11, 2011, from NETS Project (2008). Preparing teachers to use technology. ISTE. Retrieved Feb. 11, 2011, from Orr, D., Mrazek, R. & Meadows, J. (2009). Emergent Technologies for Environmental Education: Assessing the Efficacy of the Level of Adoption On-Line Survey. In T. Bastiaens et al. (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2009 (pp. 1026-1035). Chesapeake, VA: AACE.