Bruker EMX Plus EPR Spectrometer
Bruker EMX Plus EPR Spectrometer
Our Facility is home to a Bruker EMX PLus EPR Spectrometer with a ER 073 10" Magnet, ER 083B-4Q 12 kW Power Supply and X-band capabilities. This system is equiped with both the standard liquid nitrogen VT system and the liquid Helium VT System.
The EPR system has the following cavities:
- ER 4102ST
- ER4013
- ER4119HS
It was installed in December of 2011 and was purchased with the support of a $440,000 CFI LOF that was awarded jointly to Dr. Rene Boere and Dr. Paul Hayes.
This instrument is housed in the Magnetic Resonance Facility (SA6230) on the 6th floor of the Science Commons Building.
The primary users of this instrument are the Boere and Hayes research groups.
For more information on this instrument please please contact the Facility staff.