500 MHz Request for Solid-state NMR Time

This webform is used to submit a request for time on the 500 MHz Bruker Avance III HD NMR spectrometer. The completed form will be submitted to the facility manager for consideration. A copy of the submission will be emailed to both the applicant and the Principal Investigator for the project. Please be sure to review the examples of an acceptable submission form before filling out this webform. These examples can be found under the Information for Students section of this webpage.

Only required if two PI's are involved
ex. Wednesday September 7th to Monday September 12th
Please be sure to specify the probes you wish to use. For each probe you should specify both the nuclei platforms you wish to work with and the desired spinning speeds.
This box should include all relevant information for each sample you will be working with. This information should include but is not limited to: molecular weight, melting point, freezing point, sample density, and safety concerns. Note: Where possible, MSDS sheets should be provided to the manager before the sample is brought to the NMR lab.
Here the Applicant should describe the research/experiments that will be conducted. This section should explicitly list all of the experiments that the applicant wishes to carry out. For each experiment the applicant should state the nuclei that will be investigated, a proposed time frame (approximations are fine), and the probe/platform that will be used. Applications that do not contain this level of information will be rejected. If you are unsure of what is required for the research proposal please contact the facility manager before submitting your request.
This box should include a list of any previous NMR work done on the samples, as well as a list of experimental parameters used to obtain the data. This parameters should include but is not limited to: MAS speeds used, recycle delays (d1), pulse powers and their corresponding widths (tpwrm and pwx), decoupling type and power (TPPM/CW/XY16/NoDec and dipolr), and contact times for CP (cntct).
You can use this section to upload one file illustrating the previous results (spectra) you have obtained. Please be sure to properly label all figures with detailed titles and/or captions. These results can be in the following forms: word (.doc or .docx), powerpoint (.ppt or .pptx), excel (.xls or .xlsx), rar (.rar), tar (.tar), or pdf (.pdf).
One file only.
8 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, rar, tar, zip.
This box should include a list of relevant NMR references from literature.