Bruker Avance II 300 MHz NMR Spectrometer
Bruker Avance II 300
This instrument is housed in the Magnetic Resonance Facility (SA6216) on the sixth floor of the Science Commons building and was purchased with funding obtained from the NSERC RTI program in 2006. It is a solution-state only instrument and has two independant channels (H and BB), a 2H lock channel, PFG capabilities, automatic tuning and matching accessory, and is fully Variable Temperature (VT) capable (LN2 Evaporator system). The primary research users of this instrument are the inorganic and organic chemists from the chemistry and biochemistry department. This instrument is also heavily utilized in delivering the laboratory components of the inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, physical chemistry, practical spectroscopy, and 4th year series based chemistry courses.
NMR Probes
- A two channel BBFO-Z (1H-2H-BBFO) probe equipped with a H2 lock channel, atma, Z-gradient, and VT capabilities (-150 to +150). Broad Band Fluorine observe (BBFO) means that the fluorine nucleus is detected using the inner broad band coil.
- A two channel BB0 (BB-1H-2H) probe equipped with a H2 lock channel, VT capabilities (-150 to +150) and low gamma capabilities
- A two channel H/F-C-2H probe equipped with a H2 lock channel and VT capabilities (-150 to +150). The outer coil of this probe can be tuned to either 1H of 19F.